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Illustrator, Animator & Designer
Past work: Pencilmation, Retronauts, Kotaku, & more
Views posted are my own

Portfolio, Art blog, etc:
📧: [email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Melo
I was blindsided by Homer Simpson launching Bill Clinton and Bob Dole into the cold vacuum of space. I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form. After much reflection, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue my Disney+ subscription.
It's just not Drake's year huh
Reposted byAvatar Melo
The gang stages a rescue in today’s Monsters & Mysteries update latest page: latest chapter:
Daycare likes to send Morgan home with arts and crafts that she did. Except Morgan is 18 months old... So what's actually happening is an adult is giving us their own arts and crafts that they themselves did while trying to imitate a toddler to make it look believably shitty...?
"What do I, Jake From State Farm, have to add to this discourse?"
Reposted byAvatar Melo
My wife and I run a tight-knit community of freelancers and small business owners. Twice a year, it ramps up for more goal-driven mastermind-like sessions where members pool their knowledge and experience to help you those new projects or next steps underway.
I'm thrilled our next Pro Season of Work in Progress is coming up in August because I have a few projects that could use the support, camaraderie, and accountability of the Pro Season program and community. 🥳 If you're a freelancer, you don't have to go it alone. Apply today!
The gang stages a rescue in today’s Monsters & Mysteries update latest page: latest chapter:
Ever been in bed with your partner and it's 4am and you're surpressing a laugh with every muscle of your body
I am loosing my mind
Today I remembered that Baroque got a fan translation on PS1 and I really wanna play it but I have too many unplayed games and too many commissions
Restaurants need to specify if their spicy dish is "a nice palette of complimentary flavors" or "a challenge of endurance and vitality"
Reposted byAvatar Melo
journalists this past weekend
First thing I wanna do if the comic ever starts pulling in enough money is hire a flatter Love sketching. Love inking. Love tweaking colors. Fuck flatting.
I swear I’m the only person who still thinks about this. My brain leaves an empty seat at the dinner table for the Gizmondo.
I really need to get on that dual citizenship application
Reposted byAvatar Melo
Bluesky is so much better because trump literally just got fucking shot and I open up this app and yep the first post I see is someone talking about the saga dreamcast
Remember there was a thing a few years ago to track him down cause he just completely disappeared from the public eye. Understood it but still felt sad about it.
Bluesky banding together to defeat the Miniboss of the Day. Love to see it.
love having meetings about how we can have better meetings then being assigned the task of coming up with a way to track projects to cut down on meetings then being told on the spot at a follow up meeting that my idea was bad and we need to have meeting about it design shouldn't be this hard
Reposted byAvatar Melo
I’m sure Feltra is fine. There’s nothing to worry about in today’s Monsters & Mysteries! latest page: latest chapter
I’m sure Feltra is fine. There’s nothing to worry about in today’s Monsters & Mysteries! latest page: latest chapter
I dunno why people are acting like The Wokes took over the Dragon Quest III remake when it still has bikini warriors and playboy bunnies but okay yea I can't enjoy these clapping cheeks with all these pronouns
Reposted byAvatar Melo
Reposted byAvatar Melo
on this #PortfolioDay I just want folks to check out my comic (maybe share :D) After years of dragging my feet finding work in comics, I decided to start writing and drawing my own The first story is done, & I've been uploading pages of Part 2 every Tues (that's today!) and Thurs at
If you say the phrase "we will need to create an Instagram spot", I don't think you should be allowed at the urban planning meetings
Replace “greenifying with “gentrifying”. I hope Broad Street Ministry holds strong. I hate this article so much.
Tangent, but I'm only a few months into my comic journey but I've found that the 40+ pages I've been writing, drawing, and coloring have made me a way faster and more versatile artist than chasing internet numbers with one-off illustrations and quirky drawings. (Also I own too much physical stuff)
I wish creators and readers of Western comics would copy the model of “put your focus on making and purchasing the comic, not an endless mill of prints and stickers and keychains and acrylic charms and standees and t-shirts and plush animals and and and”
I'm not crazy in thinking a cold call DM of "hey here's a bunch of interview questions for my website please answer them" is whack, right? Especially if the interviews on their website are locked behind subscriptions, right???
Reposted byAvatar Melo
Hey #PortfolioDay I'm Teeg, a character artist and illustrator. I like making work inspired by the classic cartoons and games I grew up on. If you've got a project you think my work would be a fit for, feel free to reach out 🤙 🖼️ 📨[email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Melo
In today’s Monsters & Mysteries, the gang closes in on Feltra’s captors before the first course is served latest page: latest chapter
on this #PortfolioDay I just want folks to check out my comic (maybe share :D) After years of dragging my feet finding work in comics, I decided to start writing and drawing my own The first story is done, & I've been uploading pages of Part 2 every Tues (that's today!) and Thurs at
In today’s Monsters & Mysteries, the gang closes in on Feltra’s captors before the first course is served latest page: latest chapter