Maki Naro - Commissions open!

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Maki Naro - Commissions open!

Feral cartoonist, illustrator, science communicator, and social justice bard.
Community Manager at Work In Progress

watching this as an american like
I bring good tidings from the other site: French Lefties win, Le Pen eats shit, Macron eats more shit
let's post some mask photos bc look at how much stuff i can still do aka in which masking did not stop me from having fun
y’all masking?
Discord is where all my misdirected game inputs end up
I have, on more than one occasion, played Destiny 2 on one monitor while frequently tabbing out to type in Twitch chats on the other, and had to explain to the streamer that the "FFFFFFFFFFFFF" was not directed at their in-game misfortune but was me trying to panic-cast my super in the wrong screen
Oh god I was fumbling with my phone cleaning it and replied “L” to a random person 😵
The biggest turning point in you life as an artist is when you shift gears from thinking “I can draw these things but not those things” to thinking “I can draw anything! Quality not guaranteed, but I can draw it”
It drives me nuts when people say we need to make sure poor people have access to AI. The entire schtick is focused on providing AI slop to the masses while ensuring the elites get real human professionals. Having a human teacher or doctor or lawyer cannot become a bespoke luxury for the wealthy.
Putting this out here again in case I ever brought you joy, and you have a bit of cash to spare towards a good cause (new iPad) 🧡 >> Also do you know these doodles I sometimes do for socials? Would y'all be interested in me doing those for donos 75+? 👀
YES! I posted that Senshi pic on twitter the other day and got a hundred dismissive replies saying "I can't even get people to hire me for $10." I spent a good part of the day diving into the replies trying to explain that the best way to get people to value your work is by following your lead.
Post your space art! I've drawn a lot of comics about space over the years, but the cold open to Moon Court from the 2021 Flash Forward anthology is a fave. Alt text continues in the following bonus image of Saturn and its rings.
Post your space art! Penumbra 3, from a personal project
I was having a good day today until I saw the Resist™ LLM
reminded of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Hey!!! If you work in comics in the US, please spend a few minutes filling out this survey! IT'S IMPORTANT!!!!!!
It's time for the 2024 Comics Worker Survey for US workers! Pay transparency is crucial to uncovering patterns in pay inequity & learning what publishers and clients can ACTUALLY pay us. Submit your info and encourage your peers to do the same! (art by Phil McAndrew)
All the moths and beetles that fall out of our patio umbrella when we open it:
Too tired to draw or write, so GDQ it is :3
Just mask. I’m begging you. It ain’t hard.
The new COVID variant seems to be evading immunity from vaccines and past infections. COVID cases are up 250% in NYC. Remember the more you get covid your risk for long covid increases significantly.
Face-os of Amos Easily in my top 5 fave Expanse characters.
DS9 is the horniest Star Trek (complimentary). Enterprise is the horniest Star Trek (derogatory).
💯 I will say, no platform is perfect, but it's been pretty nice rebuilding here. The art community feels great. I'm still writing a recap of last month's commission drive, but across the multiple networks and communities we used to promote, at least half of the orders we got were from here ❤️
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
it ain't easy bein a litch nowadays (1/3)
I don’t really want to armchair-psychoanalyze people but I swear I haven’t seen folks so constantly and universally marinating in their own stress hormones since like April 2020
A new post with comics and ramblings on Civil War (the movie), The Purge, the desire for political collapse, and fun stuff like that.
Sitting at my desk working and hear a big splash in the pool and I know who it is! I hope he wasn't too freaked out by all of the fireworks last night, poor big buddy.
"The Orphan Crushing Factory is a strictly Anti-Torment Nexus platform"
Does Wacom think we won’t notice this is just brand-naming NFTs? 😂
"Peanut Butter is playing Ken Griffey Jr!!"
Okay, it's not as bad as I said. Probably good enough to warrant continuing. But damn if Amos' "murder look" isn't difficult to capture. Easily one of my top faves tied with Naomi in terms of depth and performance.
Last Man Standing I'm partial to his Season 4 flop hair and wizard beard, personally.
Last Man Standing I'm partial to his Season 4 flop hair and wizard beard, personally.