Levi L. Winters

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Levi L. Winters


Poet, posthumanist, & author since 2009 (he/him)

We do not squish spiders in this house. Proud 🐍 dad. Actually a lizard irl. Total liberation includes creepy-crawlies too! 🏴 I read Wikipedia for fun; ask me about philosophy

This lizard is prioritizing his mental health
i’m being told it’s my duty to condemn political violence, so in light of yesterday’s events i once again condemn the israeli genocide against the palestinian people, and the united states’ active participation in enabling it.
I'd initially planned to return to full internet use from a soft hiatus I've been on this week, but the implications of recent events alongside something in my own life causing me a lot of personal grief has me wanting to continue it I'm not dead! Just trying not to give into despair
Apropos of nothing, I just think that marksmanship skills are important to maintain. Keep up that dry fire.
You can't partake in class struggle in the United States without reckoning with the ways that class is intertwined with race, gender, sexuality, and disability status. Analysis that developed for 1800s European nation states is inadequate for a 21st century settler empire.
Seeing the car with the giant FAITH OVER FEAR decal always parked at the local dominionist cult that famously uses fear and abuse to retain their congregation, I can't help but want to take the owner aside and say "Look. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem"
A box of wrong Within a box of wrong On a circle Inside three and still Freaking out Over individual roles Can wish for all As much as you want Before you go Wish for a box of one To break out The first to stand up Then you will Hold them on high in Your three boxes #poetry
Dipped In Sunlight . Feeling the last slivers of sunlight before the evening is over~ #diplodocus #sauropod #SciArt 🐡 #PaleoArt #dinosaurs #dino #dinosaur #paleo
Tayna might have cancer 💔🐍
A box of wrong Within a box of wrong On a circle Inside three and still Freaking out Over individual roles Can wish for all As much as you want Before you go Wish for a box of one To break out The first to stand up Then you will Hold them on high in Your three boxes #poetry
I love wasps. It's so nice when one of those cuties acts approachable and let me gaze at her for a while ♡ Oh also I saw an orange cat. But it wasn't beautiful as Miss Wasp
Ancient Power!! 💫🪨💥 Another beautiful commission by the awesome @space-salaman.bsky.social ^\"/^
You do not chose your body, but you do chose your soul! Remember!
No matter how awful you think it'd be to learn that you have , I promise it's always worth it. If you know why you're struggling, it's easier to find the way out. Every time I've learned something about myself, it's given me a great sense of peace and direction
@heika.dog runs a zoophile blocklist here: bsky.app/profile/did:...
Zoophile Mute List
List by @heika.dog
- Zoophiles and people who actively interact with them. Criteria and evidence: https://zml.heika.dog/ - Go to https://zmlform.heika.dog/ to submit someone to the list or request to be removed. By selecting "Subscribe," you can mute or block all of the accounts on the list.
Imagine seeing me post about the beauty and complexity of all life in service of de-centering humans from ethics and thinking I won't instantly block you for being a zoophile
‼️🎯 >living without hero worship is the best thing anarchism ever taught me BIG SAME!
It's like these people have never once been disappointed by anything or anyone in their life. I don't understand, this shit's not hard Living without hero worship is the best thing anarchism ever taught me
The best part about the 3DS Pokémon games was that you could pet literally every Pokémon and feed them cupcakes Including legendary mons like Mewtwo and literally God, and it was so adorably out-of-character Oh yeah, and you could PET THE SWAMPERT
I wish humans were lizards instead
Good morning peeps, it's Friday, so uh hopefully that means today will be decent! 🦎🦎🦎