
They don't have an inside to go to. This is "increase jail population and slave labor" ruling.
since scotus are now the experts, i'd like to hear how they expect to effectively rehabilitate "not having a home" crimes? wtf??
They don't intend those to be rehabilitated
I guess the court expects all those claiming to be good Christians to step up and give a hand to those homeless.... The same good Christians that passed those anti-Homeless laws.
No, they don't give homeless people any more thought than they would give ants in their garden. They're pests, something to step over, nothing more
Or worse, call the police on and have the police destroy all of the homeless person's property. Denver proper police seem to enjoy doing this.
San Francisco as well. You can try to get into a shelter where you'll have to relinquish most of your possessions or leave them somewhere you hope they don't get stolen, or you can risk staying on the street and getting them run over by a bulldozer.
Holy hells. And people ask why I chose a small rural town to live in? Cause here, people actually help the homeless. Get them food, clothing, try to get them a place to stay. People are working hard to get a shelter going in the county. I've been baffled by this all my life so far.
I feel like the rural equivalent to the urban homelessness crisis is food insecurity. The same bad actors seem intent on making that worse as well.
One of the biggest things my wife noticed moving to the west coast from the south is that trailer parks like she knew growing up effectively don’t exist out here. There is no cheap single-family housing alternative, regardless of quality.
My MIL used to live out there - I noted that too, unless you go out to almost the Eastern state line. Even the housing authority housing is so much nicer out here than Colorado, and I'd assume California. And I mean nice - lawns, duplexes, etc. It's amazing. At least in E. TN it is nice.
It is. It is very very bad here. I run a branch of the county food bank, and we had to cap participants, because the truck they have to transport the truck to us is as full as it can get every month. We have literally more than doubled in need this year. and it would be more if it were possible.