Lila 🏳️‍⚧️

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Lila 🏳️‍⚧️

"Ly-lah" 🌃 | she/they | >50 | work in progress

married/parent | Pittsburgh native, Philly transplant | ✡️ | drugstore intellectual | 🔮 oracle of slack

Discord: @lila_satori
Movie riffing melee at #Blobfest with Joel Hodgson in Phoenixville! “Beware the Blob.”
Watching SMITHEREENS (1982) and yes, it is true, there are times when I wish I was still in my 20s. (Where can I get this exact miniskirt? And a time machine?)
Getting my (not shown) ear re-pierced on South St! It actually just needed tapers to be stretched out. It’s true, I think a lot about getting more on different ears.
Morning floof! Waiting in the car for my youngest’s summer day perambulation.
Hey everyone! It's been a while! Lila, she/they, early 50s, Philly area. Parent to both two-legged and four-legged children. I work with a lot of professors while not actually being one. I'm a little more out every day. Current status: making dinner. Thanks Alyssa for doing these!
*weird thought* It would be very cool if my biodad was Jonathan Richman... who was inventing punk rock in 1971 while I was being invented myself. 😏 My biodad actually *was* apparently a very good, if peripatetic, folk musician in Pittsburgh. He died in 2003, and I never knew him.
Jonathan Richman helped found punk rock in 1971 and then got bored with it and in 1976 made an album of very quirky, fun songs like this. He has always loved singing about Boston.
Couple more... full length of the dress. Also, we braved the thunderstorms (and the MAGAt realm of northern Montco) for a round of mini-golf. Definitely out of my comfort zone. Got rained on, but still had a really nice time, and saw a 🌈. Happy last day of Pride month!
A sundress for a cloudy but very humid day. Hope you all are doing well. 💕
What is your favorite black and white movie? This is kind of like asking what my favorite movie is. But this one is about as close to perfect as you can get in a movie.
what is your favourite black and white movie?
Pittsburgh native, Philly transplant, parents from New York. Not bad.
Last night of class! Wondering whether I should wear my topper when I come back in the fall, though it was nice to just go without for the summer. I think I'm entering my flowy-pants phase. It was nice to be on campus, even if I got asked again what I'm teaching. 🤦‍♀️
In answer to the question “is it worth being in 95 degree heat for 3 days to get your insides rearranged?” the answer is yes. Yes it is. 🔥
Good morning from the only place on earth that I can wear a bikini and fit right in. Also, say hello to our neighbor Spanky, who may have laid eggs last night. 🐢
reskeet your mental state (not directed at any of you lovely folks here, just fed up with Facebook) (Also, the way Charlie sings this is just the best thing ever. "I don't need your trophies, or your gold, I just wanna tell you all to go fuuuuck yourse-AAAAaaaahhhhlves!!")
Reskeet your mental state
Week 5 class fit. So glad to wear something light in this heat!
A productive day of gardening, making bruschetta and burgers, and thinking about how happy I am to be able to look like this. Really.
A better selfie with 21 at Barcade! 💞
Main Line brunch. My only excuse is that it does take the sting out of this most gendered of holidays. There sure are a lot of people here…
Tonight’s classroom fit. He did not let us go early, wah. On the plus side, I told my manager that I am going to start to present differently at work. All systems are go. Eep!
New family member just dropped! 🐶
Week 3 of class (and the "light femme" look) in the books. It's silly, but I have wanted to wear leggings to class for weeks. In the seated one I'm smiling because I finally found the all-gender bathroom. And in the head shot I'm smiling because he let us out early!
Post-therapy, pre-taking my daughter to a protest of the #UArts closure in that took place in Center City. She will be ok... but this whole situation has been handled with maximum incompetence and cruelty, and it just gets worse and worse.
The kid in question 🌈💕
POV: basic suburban mom rolls up at a Philly #Pride. (Being with my kid maybe puts a damper on my style, ok?)
POV: basic suburban mom rolls up at a Philly #Pride. (Being with my kid maybe puts a damper on my style, ok?)
One thing for my synagogue: they do a nice Pride. And I appreciate that a lot! #pride 🌈🏳️‍⚧️
I love story time, but a lot of stories here are really hard. I often tl;dr that my egg was cracked almost 5 years ago by a fantasy makeover and seeing myself in the mirror for the first time. Yes, that's when I started thinking "hm, maybe you are not a 'cross-dresser.'" But how did I get there? 1/
Who cracked your egg? Lots of nice stories in this trend. Mine is not. My egg cracked at somewhere around 11 or 12, hiding on the floor of a locked closet, while my parents were screaming at the top of their lungs after mom found a skirt in my bedroom. (1/?)
Tonight's Statistics class look. Once again trying no wig/no padding, but with makeup and some cute femme clothes. Honestly, this class is an episode of Community, and I am Pierce. But, there's only 4 more of them and then it'll be done!
Really positive therapy session. Lots of rain. Puttering around. Monochrome Monday was good!
Camp is coming up! It's weeks away but I am already shopping for impractical swimsuits. 👙 All I wanted to do was float in the pool. It meant so much to me, just to be in a place where nobody cared and I could stop feeling dysphoric about my gut for a couple of days...