Lila 🏳️‍⚧️

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Lila 🏳️‍⚧️

"Ly-lah" 🌃 | she/they | >50 | work in progress

married/parent | Pittsburgh native, Philly transplant | ✡️ | drugstore intellectual | 🔮 oracle of slack

Discord: @lila_satori
being in the US watching other countries avoid full fascist takeovers in elections
Good afternoon for a neo-noir. First time watching NIGHT MOVES (1975) and it's really, really good.
Woke up imagining some kind of alternate reality in which our own Cruelty Coalition was reduced to national irrelevance for five years... *sigh* Also saw some twerp on the hellsite saying how sad he was that some GC asshole lost. Hey, you take good news where you can get it these days.
*weird thought* It would be very cool if my biodad was Jonathan Richman... who was inventing punk rock in 1971 while I was being invented myself. 😏 My biodad actually *was* apparently a very good, if peripatetic, folk musician in Pittsburgh. He died in 2003, and I never knew him.
Jonathan Richman helped found punk rock in 1971 and then got bored with it and in 1976 made an album of very quirky, fun songs like this. He has always loved singing about Boston.
Even before this last calamity, nobody was like “we are going to blow them out of the water!” Like, mmmmaybe scrape by again. A third of the population, tens of millions of people, are permanently locked all-in for fascism now. We’re living on the edge of an active volcano.
I understand my UK friends being cynical about the election. I would be too. But it's good that it's possible to inflict a massive defeat on the ring dings, and I hope that can be savored. This is something the US apparently can never do. They always come back here like frickin' zombies.
I understand my UK friends being cynical about the election. I would be too. But it's good that it's possible to inflict a massive defeat on the ring dings, and I hope that can be savored. This is something the US apparently can never do. They always come back here like frickin' zombies.
In honour (?) of UK's independence today 😉 I thought I'd update my progress through the list of best British films that people were throwing around on BlueSky a few months ago. Ones I've watched: The Man in the White Suit An Inspector Calls Black Narcissus Get Carter Peeping Tom Marat/Sade (1/)
Woke up from a dream that my boss and I ran into each other at a giant kink party. 🤯 It was still early and things had not gotten underway, as it were. I think maybe I need to restart my anxiety meds…
I stayed at home on the Fourth of July and I pulled the shade, so I wouldn't have to see the sky. And I decided to have a bed-in but I forgot to invite anybody. And if it don't improve Then I have to move I never thought that I would end up here. #Galaxie500
Galaxie 500 - Fourth of From their 1990 LP 'This Is Our Music'
You have to understand that international fuckups like Rob Ford or Brexit are the only relief news junkies over here have had for 15 years. It does help to know that cruel stupidity is not just a uniquely American failing.
I have to admit that I didn't "get" DEVO until I learned the Kent State connection about 10 years ago. It helps you understand the subversive genius of their lyrics. They have been warning us for 50 years. Even more recently, their songs go super hard.
TIL that the New Wave band DEVO was formed in response to the Kent State shootings. In 1970, co-founders Gerald Casale and Bob Lewis got serious about their idea of the "de-evolution" of the human race after Casale's friends Jeffrey Miller & Allison Krause were killed by OH national guards.
Devo Don't Shoot (I'm man) - 2009 2010 - HD Official Devo Don't Shoot (I'm man) - 2009 2010 - HD Official Video
I learned a long time ago that only "Old Man Shakes Fist at Sky" posts get any traction among my friends on Facebook. I think the algorithm sinks anything with lots of words. People literally never see it. tbh this is a big part of why I gave up writing. It's hard to write just for yourself.
Well, that enlightened absolutely nobody. I believe that lazy cynicism is a form of agreeing with fascists in advance. Fascists are wrong about politics, gender, science, the law, and yes, about history. Don't take their word for it. They are lying.
Spicy political/historical hot takes coming in because I have to use the Ph.D. for something and also because saying nothing is killing me. I'm sure this will go great and I won't regret it at all.
Spicy political/historical hot takes coming in because I have to use the Ph.D. for something and also because saying nothing is killing me. I'm sure this will go great and I won't regret it at all.
Couple more... full length of the dress. Also, we braved the thunderstorms (and the MAGAt realm of northern Montco) for a round of mini-golf. Definitely out of my comfort zone. Got rained on, but still had a really nice time, and saw a 🌈. Happy last day of Pride month!
A sundress for a cloudy but very humid day. Hope you all are doing well. 💕
My young adult kids are home, otherwise this would be a great night to put on something tight and shiny and go dancing... sigh.
What is your favorite black and white movie? This is kind of like asking what my favorite movie is. But this one is about as close to perfect as you can get in a movie.
what is your favourite black and white movie?
It never fails. Local sports team gets good! Lila starts watching. Local sports team starts to lose. 😕 Good game, though.
Pittsburgh native, Philly transplant, parents from New York. Not bad.
Two of my friends on my Discord hangout for the somewhat-closeted are meeting up at Lititz Pride right now and I'm so happy for them! 🥰 Everyone in our group is making plans. Fears are being faced, wings being spread. You love to see it.
I know these are polarizing times, but if you take the time to talk to American conservatives and center-right types and really listen to what they believe is right and just and good, they sure do sound like the worst people on the planet .
I mean if we step outside of our little online bubbles and really listen to conservatives and their perspective, they'll openly and proudly tell you stuff that you can easily read about people saying in any history lesson about for example Germany 1939. It's quite extraordinary.
The little one needs her spaying incision re-closed, so I’m going to be sitting here for a few hours. And stupidly didn’t bring anything to read. I do not want to doomscroll about the thing that whole time.
Both dogs sick, with one at emergency vet now. 😮‍💨
Both dogs sick, with one at emergency vet now. 😮‍💨
I visit the Criterion Channel periodically to add films to my watchlist that I never get around to watching. Trying to watch The Man Who Came to Earth tonight before it leaves on the 30th.
Christ, no, please no Kamala discourse, I have suffered enough in this life
The counterpoint is that dysphoria already cripples my ability to function and might make a horrible situation unendurable. Idk. I have people to live for. I have to stick around. So I have to be functional.
Probably a lot of people like me right now wondering what the point is of transitioning. Waking up to the world? *This* world? This hell that is being actively built around us every day? I can’t take it anymore.
I want an app that, if I try checking the news, it breaks my arm.
Picked a hell of a month to try being off of Zoloft.