Lily πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ

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Lily πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ

πŸ”ž minors dni // 25 // she/it dykefag girlthing // i have some epic gamer moments πŸ€“ // wannabe streamer that never streams link
freshly cracked transfem introducing her chaser boyfriend (this is a canon event)
trans people deserve $500 deposited into their bank accounts
my dog took a really dykey lookin pic of me :3 IS SO FUCKING PRETTY LOOK AT HER HOLY FUCK
i lost an entire friend group from high school because of that fucking game. all i asked was that no one play it, and then one of them did. when i voiced discomfort and feeling alienated, the groupchat was silent and i took my leave. we cant do anything without getting judged like this and it sucks
ppl were writing pieces about how the Trans Menace was "bullying" streamers for playing a fucking harry potter game!! we are always the baddies in every situation. we are always "lashing out at the wrong targets" and "going too far" by virtue of existing
being a trans woman is itself considered a kind of Extremist Politics in and of itself!
Some of you are called allies because it would be too depressing to trans women if they counted their actual allies
they played never meant in the german bratwurst themed restaurant
it’s actually kind of a problem that transsexuality is seen as a β€œwhite person thing”— this is laundering bigotry by projecting degeneracy onto whiteness, so decentering the assertion of degeneracy. this only serves white supremacy btw.
a secret service agent came up to me with tears in his eyes and said β€œsir, sir, how do i learn to dodge like you” and i tell him, and this was one of the best dodgers out there, the best they ever made, they don’t make a truck like that anymore, very sad, so i say β€œyou think that’s air you’re breath
nobody dodges bullets better than me. i dodge the biggest, the biggest bullets of anyone out there. they call me the king of dodging bullets. did you know that? im even better than reagan. even better than reagan, can you believe that folks?
nobody dodges bullets better than me. i dodge the biggest, the biggest bullets of anyone out there. they call me the king of dodging bullets. did you know that? im even better than reagan. even better than reagan, can you believe that folks?
i do not think it is doomerism or uncalled for to recognize that this is the kind of event that is traditionally a prelude to escalating violent response from an already frothing fascist right wing and to tell people to take steps to prepare themselves for that
if the newspaper was regularly asking whether it was okay to exterminate you you'd be pissed at everyone working there too. i promise.
tbh i wish we could just drop the act - trans women are just women you can do misogyny to openly, they’re the women you can berate publicly in front of bystanders, we’re the women you get to treat the way you’d want to treat all women if you could
hey everyone you really should cancel your subscriptions to the following - The New York Times - The Washington Post - The Wall Street Journal - The Economist - The Atlantic think about how much money you would save tell them you don’t like how their editors demonize trans healthcare repost this
being a dyke of any fucking flavor whips ass so jot that down
ac units are pretty much louder refrigerators for ur apartment
the bible fails to answer the question, what if jesus was a worm
πŸ‘οΈ πŸ‘οΈ πŸ‘„
do not ever talk to me or my new found son again