Linda Holmes

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Linda Holmes

Host, NPR. Writer of novels. Companion of internet dog. Oh God, I should probably be doing one of my jobs right now.
I can’t take credit for that pull, but I agree it was the right one.
I feel the same as I did before.
Oh, I know. That’s what makes it a mistake. You can’t just decide that a season is a half-season, and this is why.
Congrats to you! Can’t wait to listen.
I think it’s extremely … difficult to keep your head when you experience that kind of praise. And I think they got a bit drunk on it. But I still think there’s some beautiful work in this season and in balance I liked it. But I get why people don’t.
I liked it more than that! But at the same time, I understand all the frustration.
I think they are not thinking of this as a season, but as half a season — thus “To Be Continued.” So they didn’t finish anything, because the shape of all the stories is meant to stretch across both (they’re filming the next season back to back with this). To be clear, I think this was a mistake.
I didn’t believe until I heard it myself that there is a radio promo for the Home Run Derby that says we love home runs because they are a triumph of “the individual against the collective.” Now sure, it’s disturbing that this sounds like it comes from the vice principal at Fountainhead High School.
But more than that, I suspect it’s what you get when your promo copy is being written by an underpaid 22-year-old supplement bro who listens to too many podcasts and knows so little about baseball that he might as well have a leaky beach ball for a head.
For the record, we love home runs (when we do) because they go boom and travel far and we go wooooooo. There is no way to be an individual in baseball, and you could hit a home run if everybody except the pitcher on the opposing team lay down and took a nap. So you are not beating a collective.
Furthermore, if you show up to play the Yankees and it’s just you and you don’t have a team and you say “I AM AM INDIVIDUAL AND I WOULD LIKE TO HIT SOME HOME RUNS AGAINST THE COLLECTIVE PLEASE,” they will call security. Nobody will pitch to you, Desperado, so come to your senses.
Somebody has to ask the hard questions.
Right — it really tells you nothing about what happens in the movie. You don’t see the stars!
Pretty sure this is the TWISTER trailer I saw in a theater back in 1996 that left that kind of audience murmur behind that happens only very occasionally.
Twister (1996) Theatrical Teaser Trailer #1 [5.1] [4K] [FTD-1080] 35mm 4K film scan - 5.1 digital audio Release date May 10, 1996
And candidly, given that this was 2016, when he acts like he had never heard that these rumors existed until this time, I just don’t believe him. Do I think he assumed there was nothing to them? Sure. Do I think he had *never heard* of such a thing? I don’t. Can’t prove it, but don’t believe it.
It’s for rent on all your rental places. I rented it through Apple.
(This was at the point where the rumors were circulating widely online but not reported out yet, and when somebody asked him whether it had come up at all in, I think, preparing for a conversation with C.K., he smirked and acted like it was just the stupidest question of all time.)
(“No,” he said, as if talking to a stupid child. “I didn’t see the *tweets*.”)
It’s tough. Especially because it ends with him basically giving everybody the finger and carrying on.
(C.K., not Stewart, who later does his best to seem really troubled in an interview with Howard Stern by all of this stuff he just couldn’t possibly have known.)