
Just watched Doctor Who - "73 Yards." Huh. Yeah, atmospheric and all, I overall liked it... but this was kind of nonsensical? And it feels like Doctor Who pulling an "It's magic; we don't have to explain it."
Personally I really liked it. Sometimes stories don't need explanations.
I get that feeling it's going to be one of those things that at the end of the season there's some moment that makes you go "Oh, so that's what that meant." But I may be hoping a bit too hard for that.
They sure are leaning into the idea that the Doc shattered some fundamental rules of the universe and they can just do things without explaining them for a bit. Will need to wait a bit longer before I have a strong opinion on how to feel about that.
Yes, and also I am *fairly* sure that we're gonna get some explanation over the rest of the season Like, the reason we don't get explanation is because THE DOCTOR LITERALLY NEVER KNOWS THE WHOLE THING EVER HAPPENED And he's the one who does the explaining
I liked it. It's that kind of horror that works better without an explanation. I think Doctor Who should be able to tell that sort of story if it wants to.
I personally loved that it made no sense. It felt like a waking nightmare, going from place to place while stalked by an unstoppable force that won't kill you but will terrify and ruin you. It had SCP vibes too.
the episode's writing works 120% on nightmare logic and i honestly love it for that
Yeah that's being kind of a theme for the season so far.
I don't need an explanation as much as I need a reason/motivation. Or at least lasting consequences. It felt like there was no reason for the episode to exist.
They did that with the dumb “ropes are now computers” bit and i try very hard not to be like THAT’S NOT HOW ANYTHING WORKS but also the rest of the show is just magic anyway and i need to let that go if im going to enjoy any of it
It's abandonment trauma. 👍
//And it feels like Doctor Who pulling an "It's magic; we don't have to explain it.// Timey wimey wibbly wobbly.
Feels like they ran out of time to develop the episode
Am watching the animated recon of The Celestial Toymaker & I get the feeling being nonsensical was kind of the whole point. Still feel the show did this better with The Land of Fiction in The Mine Robber tho
They pretty much already said that in interviews with RTD and such.
It feels like the Doctor is the newest Disney Princess. The writing is godawful, but the acting is absolutely fantastic.
Disney isn’t doing the writing.
Disney is doing the bankrolling, and if you think they don’t “subtly influence” everything they put money into as a condition of acquiring said money, well, I guess you don’t pay attention.
Beyond that, RTD looks like he’s more preoccupied with sticking it to bigots and internet rage bait trolls than writing genuinely compelling narrative. This ain’t anywhere near the caliber of his 9th Doctor / 10th Doctor material, and it shows.
And what sucks is that it’s Ncuti Gatwa that pays the price for it, because he never gets to be the Doctor he clearly has the potential to be, he only gets to be an overly campy caricature of the Doctor in stories that lean closer into parody than greatness.
And while all DW series have that camp element as part of its DNA, it’s never really been the primary driving factor like it is here. It’s always tried to remain grounded and serious despite being wacky and low-budget, and this new era flips the script on both fronts.
No need to be insulting about it. I’m just going by what I’ve been told by people not directly involved (with the BBC and, not with Disney).
Well, there’s your facts.
I repeat, no need to be insulting. You hate Disney, fine. I’m not a Disney fangirl. I just don’t see anything productive in being mad at them. Too much else to be worried/mad/depressed about in the world today.
I think it started that way a little - with the goblins and space babies... But there have been some really solid Doctor Who stories since... I think some of these stories are amongst the best.
73 yards was awful, at least in terms of logical execution. Dot & Bubble was okay. Boom had so much potential and just couldn’t capitalize.
I love my sci fi as social commentary... I think that is when the genre is at its best... which is why Dot Bubble works so well for me - the everyone in a 'literal bubble', the erosion of capacity outsourced to tech, the narcissism of an insular society... the racism. 💙
I agree about Boom... and 73 Yards (which some others have loved)... but I look forward to these episodes in a way I haven't for quite some time with the Doctor. Bring on the timey wimey joy.
Yeah it goes right up its own ass.
Why am I reminded of the time the moon hatched and immediately laid an exact copy of itself?
Look, 73 Yards has a ton of issues, but lets not compare it to the science nonsense of that episode...
I'll be honest, I haven't seen the newer episodes, partly because of the moon egg bullshit.
Because of one episode (which I share your opinion of, btw)? Really?
Because of that episode, and the finale of the same season, and the superhero episode, and Moffat's habit of writing lead characters acting like they have dementia, and the poor word-of-mouth of the Chibnall run.
Season 10 Capaldi was BRILLIANT Doctor Who - I think you'd like it. This season starts off with whimsy levels that - based on your moon comment - you would hate, but it gets much, much better. I am really enjoying it.
Yeah, I've been hearing the Disney-fied Doctor Who is like...
You've been hearing wrong. The internet is such that if you're going to have an opinion on anything Disney distributes, watch it yourself.
I want to know what was being said to all the people to make them run away and for Ruby's mother not to let her back into the house.