Jesse Dusk

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Jesse Dusk

Just some nerd. (He/any/chumbo)
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Daily bunny no.2540 calming the cats
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
See a tent? No, you didn't. Leave unhoused people alone. Their lives suck enough already.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
it blows me away that saying “housing is a right” is an extreme position. “people should be fed.” also, given pride month: “trans people have a right to thrive” the centrist POV on all of these issues is “well be reasonable! not everyone deserves a place to stay” which is wild to me
A basic article of faith among so many centrists is that there is something inherently virtuous about centrism and something inherently bad about “extremism”, regardless of the content of those positions, and that should be challenged at every goddamn turn
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Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Daily bunny no.2522 is dreaming again
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
I'm honestly fascinated by the way rich people will waste more money than any of us could spend in a lifetime, creating things that are utterly worthless, which no one wants.
It's pretty incredible to think they somehow spent fifty BILLION dollars on this as of a year or two ago and not only can I not fathom where that money went, but we barely even talk about it because it's overshadowed by even stupider wastes entirely by guys named Sam.
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Stop bringing politics into my games, just let me continue to base every single game purchase on how “woke” it is waaaaaaah.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
You just so rarely see a Priest body someone so hard
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
(Around campfire) My grandfather flew a review bomber in the Culture War.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Daily bunny no.2519 is a skilled mixologist
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Sir, you've been accused of trying to impregnate just about anyone who works for you? How do you defend yourself? Excuse me. *erases all Twitter likes for everyone ever*
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Please donate to to help people evacuating and trying to rebuild their lives. I've been donating as much as I can over the past few months
Gaza Funds Spotlight Find vetted fundraisers for Gaza here!
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Daily bunny no.2515 has the perfect hideout
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Daily bunny no.2513 on the rocks
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Trump has now failed at arguably the core competency of US presidents (committing crimes and getting away with it)
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The best time to go to the bathroom at the Oscars is any time during the Oscars. It's the next best thing to going home.
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If you want to stop AI from hurting artists, don't try to persuade people not to use it. Instead teach boomers how to make Minion memes with it. Nothing will kill the AI vibe faster than Carol in accounts receivable thinking it's cool
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
The more sustainable option is passing a fuckton of legal reform to keep Exxon, Shell, BP, and the rest of the oil cartel from polluting the planet. Individuals aren't the problem, big companies are.
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
Daily bunny no.2500, just sayin' hey
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
make sure to check the bluesky moderation service label settings because they hid a bunch of new labels several levels down the moderation menu and automatically set some of them to hide.
holy shit update your moderation settings if you haven't. no wonder I've been missing so much shit
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Dusk
I feel like the way to get rid of "AI" is to use every version of it to fake JK Rowling talking about how much she respects trans people, then just sit back and let her billion dollars and litigious rage do the work for you.