Sara Davis

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Sara Davis

Reader, writer, environmental steward, recovering PhD.
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Halfway through 2024, I'm four-fifths of the way through the 2024 Environmental Reading Challenge. I'm also starting to see where some of my blind spots are, and I can order some library books to rectify them.
The Environmental Reading Challenge bingo card is now up! Feel free to download this and use it to track your own reading!
search “butt” in your photos & post whatever manmade horrors beyond comprehension if you’d like
search “butt” in your photos & post whatever manmade horrors beyond comprehension if you’d like
What a beautiful old soul. ❤️ I am so sorry for your loss. I said goodbye to my 19yo old cat last month--not suddenly, but there is no good way to say goodbye to s dear old friend. I'm still wrecked.
Does anyone have a *favorite* recipe for cooking celery? I have received an enormous bunch in my farmshare, and there's only so much mirepoix I can freeze for future soups. I don't enjoy it raw.
I also got Too Many Onions and a bunch of small carrots, so I ended up chopping and freezing three cups of mirepoix and put a cup and a half into a peanut stew I was making anyway. Carrot leaves, celery leaves, and green onion tops went into a pesto. Stems and ends went into a stock bag.
I used to make this all summer when I could still eat dairy. It goes way harder than it needs too. The potatoes get tender, the zucchini melts away into a cheesy sauce, and the whole thing gets wonderful crispy edges that you want to eat out of the pan.
Recipe: Potato, Squash & Goat Cheese Goat cheese and herbs give this simple gratin a wealth of flavor (without weighing it down).
I do not have the full info but the word behind the scenes is that all four Author Events staffers put in their four weeks' notice today, planning to wrap up their projects, and then they were all four fired and lost email and building access effective immediately.
So the follow-up email stating that the team "submitted their resignations, effective immediately" is incorrect. What I don't know is what instigated the mass resignation, who sent the "all events canceled" email, or how they will host the full event schedule without the experienced team.
I didn't expect to feel so sad posting this link, but my blog avatar for many years has been my beautiful Ascher cat, already old when that photo was taken but still bright-eyed and plump. I said goodbye to her last week, at age 19 years and 8 months.
Reposted byAvatar Sara Davis
Must... not... start... Bridgerton... until... finished... with... Middlemarch...
I love this so much. Moby-Dick is joyfully weird and joyfully queer and it is so fun to watch someone experience this for the first time!
Roundup of climate news and links from the last two months... some bad news about climate impacts and the SEC rule, some good news about adaptation and policy, some food for thought about justice and AI, and some fun links about games and movies.
Climate roundup: Spring Every day is Earth Day. Now let's dive in. Climate Justice More of this, please:Nobel Prize-winning economist calls for climate tax on billionaires (HEATED, April 24, 2024)Behind the billionaire clima...
Remember the Environmental Reading Challenge--24 books in 2024? Our Discord community founder posted a roundup of some of the reads our members have completed so far, plus some recs from longtime members.
Reposted byAvatar Sara Davis
It's hard to communicate to a younger generation how cool stumbling on this show felt as a kid, especially because there was no real Internet yet that could help you contextualize or discuss it. Just an incredibly weird and cool show that felt like it shouldn't exist
Space Ghost Coast to Coast premiered thirty years ago today.
Me surveying a tower of small but very heavy boxes: Maybe books are bad, actually
Reposted byAvatar Sara Davis
Alright, Northeasterners, youhad an earthquake!! It’s your time to shine for geos! We rarely have felt reports from your area, and they’re so important for understanding the impact of surficial geology & buildings on real lived experience. Go on, fill it out. Null reports also help! The Earthquake Event Page application supports most recent browsers, view supported browsers. Or, try our Real-time Notifications, Feeds, and Web Services.
Well that was terrifying. When my South Philly kitchen started rattling, my first thought was "gas explosion??" until I heard my neighbors yelling about earthquakes.
I fixed my partner's garbage disposal while he is out of town, and he texted frantically to ignore any packages under the sink unless I want *birthday spoilers.* I know the love language framework is problematic but I can think of no better illustration of our respective styles of showing care!
In March I read Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma, A Half-Built Garden, North Woods, The Library at Mount Char, A Constellation of Vital Phenomena, and a couple of DWJ novels (Howl's Moving Castle and Castle in the Air).
Reposted byAvatar Sara Davis
We are getting REALLY excited for our contests! If you write speculative stories or make speculative art (anything with unreal elements!) we want to see it. Read more about the contest rules, what to submit, and about our judges:
When my ancient cat got into her Night Yodeling Era, my vet recommended CBD oil. Prescription, not OTC. And that actually seemed to work? I had a lot fewer rude awakenings.
Rounded up some news about environmental justice, pollution, energy, and storytelling--with some uplifting links at the end.