
einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
Great and all, but you still notice he calls her Mrs. Curie, not Dr. Curie.
This is a personal letter, not a professional one, would be very weird to address someone you know personally to ask them if they are OK as Dr… (at least I have never done that to my colleagues known personally).
then why the Mrs and not "Marie" or something. It just seems to be dismissive of her title. As a woman, I see this too often.
I'm a dude and I speak to one of my lady friends using the respectful plural form sometimes. Granted, she's not a doctor, but if she were, I wouldn't address her as such because it seems irrelevant between friends, somehow. You do have a point, but it seems to be a case of friendship over formality.
Which is why the "Mrs" still bothers me. Could be a German convention that friends drop the title. But to me its just respectful. One person mentioned he used Mr. for a man, so I guess that was just Einstein. So it makes it a bit better and not so much he is dismissing the title she earned.
It isn’t an Einstein thing, it’s a “social conventions for formality in salutations” thing. We’ve lost a lot of those nuances, and English doesn’t even have the formal/informal you that many European languages have. But this form of address was the appropriate and respectful way to open this letter.
he doesn't put a title in front of his name when signing the letter, and he's using the formal/respectful German you, not the informal/familiar one
the German letter has been linked in this discussion
Me: scrolls up thread, looks for links sees none.
You gotta look under my original post that set some people off (while others were quite helpful).
I found it in German. Hold on.....
It is definitely a convention of the time, the language, and how their particular European social stratum understood degrees and honorifics. A lot of Einstein's pretty-conventional-for-the-time gender politics wouldn't pass muster today, but she definitely wouldn't have understood this as a slight.