
Yo, journalists. The grandpa toying with your colleague's life by publicly conspiring with a guy with a known passion for tossing reporters out windows may not be great for the media, no matter how many clicks he gets you.
And no matter how much your boss misses him.
OTOH I can't deny I've imagined defenestrating Peter Baker and it made me smile
Sadly, no one cared when Nixon scuttled Vietnam peace talks. Sadly, no one cared when Reagan scuttled the release of hostages in Iran. Sadly, no one will care now.
That’s why he keeps winning the popular vote, I guess.
This was sarcastic, right? (It's been a long day....)
I mean, its true - but yes, dripping with sarcasm as well. Just need *more* people to care
Some journalists/editors are allowed to write trash, thinking that will up their pay. Most outlets (other than Fox, OAN, etc.) weed them out fairly quickly. It's up to readers to do their research. We still have choices in this country. A good place to start, imho:
Media Bias Chart by Don't be fooled by media bias and fake news. The AllSides Media Bias Chart helps you to easily identify political bias in the news.
The problem is specific outlets and the people who run them, not the entire profession.
I think there are a lot of journalists who are fantastic. But there’s a lack of alarm in general about Trump’s comments on Evan.
Not the entire profession, just all of the mainstream political media -- yes, all -- and most of the opinion media, including essentially all the editors.
I think the industry is the villain and journalists are the heroes but I’m a romantic
No. Name a national political journalist (one covering retail politics, the White House, etc.) at The New York Times who isn't an atrocious hack. It's the same (to varying degrees of hackiness) elsewhere. Journalists on other beats -- like the ones investigating Trump at the NYT -- are heroes.
I don’t find anyone that closely