Boogie Howser, MD

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Boogie Howser, MD

Doctor by day, Disco at night

Chapel Hill, NC
Project 2025 isn’t just unpopular. It’s a lead weight around the Republican party even amongst their own base. I’ve spoken with a number of deep red state Republicans who weren’t fully Maga but we’re definitely on the train and Project 2025 has convinced them to vote Democrat. It’s possible to win.
Amazing story about what happens at the VA Hospital when you ask the Project 2025 question: "How are you going to pay the utility bills when Social Security and VA benefits get cut?" tweet:
living in this country is like being awake on the table
Maybe NBC can get Steve Bannon back on to explain it all to us. #FuckRightOff
Things are bad but all the more reason for optimism of the will and rejection of doomerism and nihilism. Only way out is through.
Josh Hawley: i'm going to punch 100 kittens in the throat AOC: what the hell, we shouldn't be punching *any* kittens (Manchin and Romney co-sponsor the Punch 50 Kittens in the Throat Act of 2024) op-ed columnist: finally, reasonable compromise
Right, this is a good illustrator of the way Beltway narratives tend to conflate “the middle” with “moderation”
Someone should remake The Big Chill with the original cast. This time they are all MAGA Republicans who get together to bitch about how bad Woke-ism is and you can't even say "free love" anymore The Big Chill 2: Q-galoo
I'm so tired of all the winning
Google, 1998: We're going to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Imagine the whole world's knowledge in your pocket! Google 2024: Drink your own piss. Now eat glue.
Whenever someone random tries to downplay confederate monuments to me and I don’t have the energy to put my work hat on, I just calmly say, “I don’t know it’s kinda like if we had statues of the 9/11 hijackers, only confederates killed more Americans.” Shuts them up every time.
Mine is weird 0. me 1. Winston Rodney OD (of Burning Spear) 2. Mick Jagger 3. Leni Riefenstahl 4. Hitler
Taking this prompt from Twitter because I think it's fun: How many handshakes does it take for you to get to Hitler? 0. me 1. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd 2. Elizabeth II 3. Edward VIII 4. Hitler
Unless you're his Mom... and maybe not even her, who could possibly give a shit what Jack Dorsey thinks?? Please quit sharing tech bro think pieces
They had a lot of ammo left after Uvalde. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I predict Putin is going to win this election. Also, NYTimes, my data-driven prediction service is for sale.
I'm pretty sure that's
One of my favourite pieces of Roman pottery - a fragment with an incised sketch of a big round human face. I hope this was made as a portrait of a real person - although I'm not sure they would have been flattered by it..!
So today I learned about Girl Scout Troop 6000, a Girl Scout troop entirely of girls living in NYC homeless shelters. I also learned that you can buy all your Girl Scout cookies directly from them on-line. Which I just did. And, if anyone else wishes to, can be done here:
Ron DeSantis ends his campaign with a fake Churchill quote
every day the news is just pundits taking conservative fake soccer injuries super seriously
Its time to start a petition to ask the Rolling Stones to finally make Darryl Jones a fully paid member of the band. He's been there longer than Bill Wyman was and has far exceeded the time it took for Ron Wood to become a full member.
Vapid, self-owning buffoon Joe Rogan, whose head is so far up his own ass he could lick his back teeth, accuses Biden of being demented for something Trump said. Rogan then blamed "the media" for being unreliable.
Joe Rogan Corrected On-Air for Blaming Trump Gaffe on The podcaster was caught off guard by a live fact-check from his own team that revealed it was Trump—not Biden—who made the gaffe in question.
Elon has probably never heard a single Mozart piece in his life, and Bezo probably has and didn't like it
We likely already have more than a 'thousands Mozarts,' but many lack the time or financial resources to express their talent, often working for minimum wage at disgusting companies like Amazon.
They're all bad, Brent
💥 THE BATTLE BEGINS! 💥 2023 is winding down, so it’s time to choose the WORST PERSON IN TECH! 🗳️ ROUND 1 VOTING OPEN NOW:
I can't believe christians keep throwing babies out of planes after last weeks carnage
“I was going to kick that guy’s ass until Bernie Sanders held me back” is the state of Republican masculinity
This just in: Christians throw their babies out of planes
I dont understand why kids dont like that I'm giving out the contents of my giant box of miscellaneous cables for Halloween. Who doesn't need a USB device cable or a good serial or parallel cable? Kids today. Sheesh
Superhero Corner Boxes original acrylic paintings 6x12" $300 each DM
I'm tired of Republicans in Congress quiet quitting