
Regret to inform you that Stiglitz is NIMBY scum
Houston, a land of a great many HOAs, is so far from a Madmax Building Hellscape but it behooves everyone in the debate for various reasons to act that way. Mostly what we do here is pretty mild, all told
Anyway, its no great feat to have reams of complaints from neighbors about other people's houses and property use choices
I mean we do build. I will give us that. But so many restrictions built into neighborhoods it is hard to take any of that stuff seriously.
Right, it is not for nothing that we're better than most major US metros on this score, we build, but its not Mad Max, nothing is regulated build whatever land as is commonly portrayed. What we do isn't even that extreme
I think it’s a common misperception partly because so many big cities don’t build much. And it always seems so exotic to say “no zoning”.
They don’t lack problems. Checkmate
I got into an eight month fight with my HOA over the height, material, and location of a fence on an empty property that I own. Stiglitz can get fucked on this one
Stiglitz got a warm feeling inside reading about that
"Building what you want on property you own is a unfreedom to people that don't own the property" Yeah no shit Sherlocke that's what it means to own something
I just can’t get over the fact that his whole argument is nothing more than that externalities exist, as if Pigou didn’t write about that a hundred years ago. Can’t we say more on the subject at this point? Could we, I dunno, say something about the actual calculus of the real world?
Yeah he'll be happy to know opening a brothel is actually illegal in Houston
that would require knowing specific things as opposed to the imaginary, hypothetical world I create in my head tho
I’m betting he talked to the people in Southampton who spent ten years objecting to the Ashby high rise.