
I see LordBusinessman pulled the pin. Too bad. He was a good account. I wish him well.
WHAT?! Seriously? Between him and Paul what’s left? Did something happen today specifically?
Not today. The post debate fracas. He mentioned he'd just about had his fill of dealing with morons.
I am honestly really close also. This places is just filled with the worst psychos on earth. It's like 4chan but lefty.
Well I hope you don’t. Blocking liberally is a boon. The first time somebody pisses me off, they cease to exist in my world.
That’s all good. But there’s just less and less quality stuff on here.
There's the trite word play of accounts who think themselves far more clever than their education suggests. *cough*trade school*cough*
[extremely Jane Austen voice] the sort of desperate social climbing of those above their station that seems to be all the rage this season.
I just went through way too much “thought” about someone calling me racist for asking a question. It really felt like a Qt and expose people situation. Block feels like it’s letting people off too easily.
That sort of thinking is a trap. You're not letting them off easy, you're sparing yourself the headache of dealing with them. When you let yourself care about a random jagoff's opinion of you, you've already lost.
It’s worth interrogating. I don’t think I care about the opinion. It’s more befuddlement. Or a warning to others. Or just rubbernecking. Like what is going on in people’s heads.
The thing about the block here, is that it deletes the whole thing. I’m of the mind that people that want to argue honestly don’t resort to insults right off the bat. If they just want to troll, nuking the entire thread negates the exposure because it’s not left there for people to see it.
Eh, if you're so inclined. Thing is: I'm not sure it's worth that interrogation if engaging with it makes your experience on social media so miserable that you're inclined to leave it. Most of the folks I see burning out on here are the folks who have attempted that interrogation in good faith.
Yeah, may not be worth the effort, keep your TL somewhat clean that it doesn’t drive you crazy.
Worms. The wormiest brain worms you ever did see.
Yeah, you’re not going to change a troll’s mind, better to just figuratively throw them in a gravity well.
We've got a wonderful airlock handy with this site. Would be a shame not to use it.
Okay but also sometimes I have to engage.