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chemist, ANR player, arthritis haver. #TeamCat. he/they
tbf I'd bet most teams couldn't get through the 1ac w/o spreading.
They had 4 years to bring up the next generation while Feinsteine fucking died and they dropped the ball. Its like they forgot they needed new blood.
dang a mental health emergency, well we got an opening in 2 weeks, if your insurance covers it. also we have a big sign that says your responsible for the cost of your treatment if insurance doesn't work right in the middle of the room.
I just don't process lyrics as words being said, I need to sit and pull them out to think about them. For me they're often just a sound first like any other instrument until I've listened multiple times
seemingly yes. i don't think dems should have offered the deal but to say that its unfair for the dems to bring their side to a deal is absurd.
Yeah that's how political deals work. You get what you want but you give up something you don't.
I cant find one of these on ali express or ebay, damn shame
Glad I quit football after my first concussion, in 8th grade.
rot 13 spoilers jura uvf urnyguone oernxf gur shpxvat uhq naq ur qryrgrf lbhe urnegf vgf fb shpxvat fvpx.
They're mad that Bernie is helping normalize working while having COVID, and the general attitude that it's something like a cold. It's a serious disease and proper rest is needed.
The correct answer is to work 6 pm to 630 am and not see the sun for 3 days during the winter. Let the darkness seep in
Tfw the table of success is raided by the fbi
these people should just form a splinter religion already
what a fucking awful website, changing the standards randomly and hapazardly
End of feed.