Dr Luke Buckmaster

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Dr Luke Buckmaster


Film & TV critic for The Guardian Australia and Flicks.com.au. PHD in virtual reality. Climate activist.

Creator of Nicolas Cage fan site, The Cage Gauge: https://www.flicks.com.au/cagegauge/
Vale Donald Sutherland. He had that incredible serpentine glare: an otherworldly sparkle in his eyes we all recognise but nobody could ever really explain. Movingly human but powered by some mysterious ancient force. A terrific actor
Anyone have any favourite movie poster taglines they want to share? Here's a couple of mine. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure: "History is about to be rewritten by two guys who can't spell." Groundhog Day: "He's living life like there's no tomorrow. Because there isn't." 😂
I can't tell you what accent Jean Claude Van Damme speaks in his new film, because that question has dogged cineastes for decades. But I can tell you that he's pretty good as a Broken Man who has Made Mistakes. My review of Darkness of Man
Darkness of Man movie review: a grizzled Van Damme makes this almost-noir workwww.flicks.com.au At a push you could describe Van Damme’s latest as neo-noir: a more accommodating label than the more befitting “B-movie”.
In case you were wondering: yes, big juicy twists are hereditary. My review of Ishana Shyamalan's debut feature The Watchers, a horror movie set in a forest ruled by voyeuristic monsters
The Watchers movie review: different Shyamalan, same eerie atmosphere and big twistswww.flicks.com.au I enjoyed the film’s slippery mood; the feeling we’re on uneven ground, about to give way to some higher or lower reality.
The big-hearted Australian comedy series Austin - starring Love on the Spectrum's Michael Theo - is very sharply executed and laugh-out-loud funny. My review of its delightful first season
Austin review – this funny, big-hearted comedy will leave you wanting another seasonwww.theguardian.com Love on the Spectrum star Michael Theo is wonderful as an autistic man who tracks down his hapless father and his wife
In Netflix's new series Eric, Benedict Cumberbatch joins a history of characters accompanied by weird child-like creatures. How does this production compare to others? My review
Eric TV review: Benedict Cumberbatch sees fuzzy monsters in sensationally flawed serieswww.flicks.com.au Any potential humour in this 1980s-set drama gets smothered by a morose tone and sticky, moody aesthetic.
This month's biggest and most interesting streaming releases include House of the Dragons season 2, Richard Linklater's new film Hit Man, Jake Gyllenhaal’s thriller Presumed Innocent and The Bear season 3
Priscilla, The Bear and Black Barbie: what’s new to streaming in Australia in Junewww.theguardian.com Plus new House of the Dragon, Glen Powell as a fake hit man and a very entertaining new ABC comedy
One of the first people to read the new Japanese translation of my book is legendary video game designer Hideo Kojima, creator of Metal Gear and Death Stranding 🔥🏍🚨
YouTube influencer Jenny Nicholson's four hour anatomy of the failed Star Wars hotel has gone viral. And so it should: here's me on why this long and detailed video is excellent, addictive viewing
Why the internet loves Jenny Nicholson’s 4 hour video on the Star Wars hotel – and you will toowww.flicks.com.au The pace of this viral critique is great, many movies feeling far longer than Spectacular Failure’s elephantine 245 minute runtime.
Happy 40th birthday, Amadeus! I revisit this fabulously frisky Mozart film, which has an intoxicating punch-drunk spirit. It’s about dealing with greatness when it’s not your own
Retrospective: 40 years on, the joyfully frisky Amadeus hasn’t aged a daywww.flicks.com.au Miloš Forman’s Oscar-winning classic is no stuffy period piece: sometimes quietly audacious, sometimes loud and strange.
The cuddly characters in the family film IF are supposed to be adorably strange - but I wanted to assault them with the nearest blunt instrument. Here's my review
IF movie review: Ryan Reynolds is terribly flat in middling kids filmwww.flicks.com.au John Krasinski shoots for an earnest Spielbergian glow, but arrives somewhere deflatingly twee and saccharine.
Produced by Eli Roth, The Faceless Lady is a horror series unlike any other - while at the same time bulging with boilerplate elements. My thoughts on a strangely immersive slice of next-gen storytelling
The Faceless Lady review: classic haunted castle horror - told in 180 VRwww.flicks.com.au Eli Roth produces this scary series, which doesn’t take full advantage of its unique storytelling format.
I'm a big fan of the Planet of the Apes series. No other franchise is like it. These films open up interesting spaces involving empires, legends, allegories. Here's why the latest film is worth your time
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes movie review: a riveting, palate-cleansing rebootwww.flicks.com.au A classic “hero’s journey” arc, the usual impressive mo-cap performances, monkey religion…Apes 4 has it all.
I couldn't get enough of Dark Matter. Smashed through it in three successive evenings, then bought the book. Here's my thoughts on one of the best TV shows of the year
Dark Matter TV review: a rivetingly personal sci-fi that stretches to infinitywww.flicks.com.au Joel Edgerton keeps this Apple TV+ series grounded, without sounding like a vehicle for sci-fi gobbledegook.