Alasdair MacDonald

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Alasdair MacDonald

Former university administrator; music, guitar, and political hobbyist, not necessarily in that order. Also a “middle-class leftie remoaner lunatic" (Dan Wootton Esq.). The larger photo was taken during the recording of the greatest album ever made.
Say what you want about Sunak as PM but at least he didn't kill the monarch, like the last one.
OK UK, today's the day. Remember, the Tories don't want you to vote against them. Take your ID with you and vote. For the people who are choosing to heat or eat. For those who died alone while they partied. For the grift, the culture wars, Windrush. (1/2)
If a foreign state had done what the Tories have done to the UK, we would call it sabotage and treat it as a hostile act.
Happy 4th of July, everyone! This is an international holiday where countries across the world celebrate ditching their Tory government. For some, it's Lord North and his corrupt aristos, while, for others, it might be Rishi Sunak and his shambling shower. Have fun wherever you might be.
Ok everyone. Let’s not fuck this up. After 14 years, 5 abysmal prime ministers, a shitload of contempt, lies, corruption and total steaming uselessness… we need to tell these Tories what we think. Our vote is our voice and we should use it. Or nothing will change. Get. Them. Out.
So for now #GTTO relates only to the 644 Conservative MPs. But what about the Tories chairing and directing the privatization of services in 215 NHS Trusts. What about their Governors in Royal Charter Bodies such as the BBC, and their advisers and consultants to the Civil Service? #GATTO
So, I think when my editor asked me to do a long list of Tory policy screw ups since 2010, he was expecting something funny? The reality was... not particularly funny.
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
I’m hearing that Starmer plans to go to bed to “sleep” every night. During this period, he will keep his eyes and his door closed for a number of hours on end. Surely a threat to national security and an invitation to the UK’s to invade the country. The EU will be rubbing its hands.
I can categorically say I’ve never loathed a political party like I loathe this Tory party. I’ve never felt this angry about what a govt has done to our country. And never thought that a bunch of politicians deserved the total crushing defeat these Tories do. How many agree?
It's not enough to change the government on Thursday. We need to put the Tories out of power for decades. The greed, the drinks the malice and corruption. These should never be forgiven. Get out and vote Thursday ! #VoteTactically #GeneralElection2024          #toryliars #ToxicBritishMedia
Every single Ed Davey caper during this General Election has felt like the start of an episode of Casualty.
Morning, Bluesky. Two days and a wake-up until the start of much-needed change in the UK. As there’s some confusion, here’s a tactical voting guide from The Progressive Alliance. Everywhere not mentioned, it’s safe to vote Labour.
This came as a surprise, but - on reflection - it shouldn't really have done so.
This is illuminating on the mindset of the Tories, from Sunday Times’ Tim Shipman’s account of Theresa May’s Brexit troubles. The Cabinet decided the party was more important than the country.
Just disgraceful of Sunak to say Putin wants a Labour win. The Tories have filled their coffers with Russian money, destabilised the EU with Brexit, put Lebedev in the Lords and suppressed the Russia Report. What a despicable and undignified end to a reprehensible 14yrs in power.
Fantastic stuff!
We’re going on a Truss hunt! We’re going to catch a PM! What a beautiful day. We’re not scared! Oh no! Labour! Keir Starmer’s Labour! We can’t go over them. We can’t go under them. We’ll have to go through them! “Cautious cautious, Cautious cautious...”
Going on a Truss hunt | Robert Hutton | The Critic We’re going on a Truss hunt! We’re going to catch a PM! What a beautiful day. We’re not scared! Oh no! Labour! Keir Starmer’s Labour! We can’t go over them. We can’t go under them. We’ll have to go…
The Tories - always quick to accuse others of ‘possibly’ trying to do what they definitely did try to do.
"Labour will gerrymander the system" say the party who introduced voter ID, abolished SV for mayoral and PCC elections, opposed AV for Parliament and appointed dozens of Johnson cronies to the Lords.
I think I’m becoming a ‘Swifty’
The Tories are in their tailspin descent now, shrieking warnings about how the sky will fall in if we don’t save them. They don’t see how much we want them to crash and burn. How angry we are with the damage they’ve done. How we will not forgive or forget. Your vote is your power. Use it tactically to get the Tories out, then influence your new MP and the next government.
This is getting ridiculous - how can Farage constantly get airtime with no one pointing out to him & viewers the Brexit he championed has by almost every economic & financial measure been disastrous for the UK? If that outrages you as much me RT this widely
UK news shows refusing to point out to Farage the disastrous consequences of Brexit is
As the Supreme Court takes over America: - Judges will make millions in “gifts” - Judges will decide what drugs are safe - Judges will block ANY environmental protection - Judges will decide what healthcare women can receive — and whether they live — or die
Our predominantly Tory press, owned by RW non-dom billionaires, is frantically screaming Armageddon. Those billionaires are really miffed that the population aren’t listening to their mouthpieces because the Tories they backed & supported were so blatantly corrupt, incompetent & greedy, like them.
You can see it and you can sense it and if you could you would smell it….panic
And (once you get past the fact that the director of the Number 10 Policy Unit under *Boris Johnson* has written a piece about lack of talent at the top), James is right: it’s not a bad analysis