Margi MacMurdo

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Margi MacMurdo

Let’s see, 🤔Business owner i.e. professional garden/landscape designer/artist/photographer/dual citizen of New Zealand and USA/mom of two grown lads & 2 white labs, grandma of one wee girl, wife of a Kiwi, and possessor of a PhD in surveillance 🎓(⬇️link)
Good evening- midnight something or other Menards, catmint nepeta & purple iris! MPLS Mn
I love my infinity Iris and all the blooming things!
Reposted byAvatar Margi MacMurdo
Am I better off than I was four years ago? Four years ago, I was in the middle of a hard lockdown in midtown Manhattan, desperately searching for a bodega that had toilet paper at $5/roll. My good friend was on a ventilator, as one of the first middle-profile COVID cases. Hell yes, it's better.
Reposted byAvatar Margi MacMurdo
Don’t forget, today’s the last day to cancel your peacock subscription, if you signed up just to watch the Chiefs. Otherwise, it will auto renew Tuesday. CC:
Avatar Hi Tom! Hello! All the greetings! How is Carla?
I had the best luck ever with my morning glories this summer! These are called “spaceship” or “Helicopter” morning glories, I started them from seed in April and got an insane crop out of only about 6 plants! Up here in Minneapolis!
I HAVE SOME NAGGING QUESTIONS: 1) Wasn’t Steve Bannon supposed to be sentenced for ignoring a subpoena? Or something? 2)Are there any sane people in the USA who give 2 whoops in hell about Hunter Biden’s boring tax problems and would actually base their vote on that poor sap’s lot in life?
I have something very big to report: Simply because I wish to have a yellow turtleneck or Oxford shirt to wear under my cool black overalls (that have yellow lemons on them)-I have discovered that there is no such thing as a yellow woman’s shirt in any store-online, in person even thrift stores!ZERO
Sandra Day and Hank K meet up with H Hoover in Hell and….high 5 each other today.
Avatar Good Lord I just now noticed I hadn’t followed you yet! Anyway- look! I got a perfect score on this Flashback history quiz from the NYT! This means I have the complete right to add my snooty puffery to all arguments on social media! ☺️👩‍🎓👸
Avatar I get a very strong Dunedin NZ vibe from you, my good man.
Avatar as per your advice, I must’ve blocked 11 idiots on this bright, crisp, Thanksgiving morn. Where did the jerks come from? It was like turning the lights on in the kitchen of a crummy motel, loads of cockroaches scuttling around. Ugh
Avatar Back at you! here are my dogs, the best dopamine and serotonin dispensers I know!
Avatar good day to ye - look who the bluesky cat dragged in! ☺️
Avatar if you’re curious! 👀 you can’t pin posts on bluesky so ask me if you’d like to know more once this post disappears!
End of feed.