Maggie Wittlin

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Maggie Wittlin

Associate Professor at Fordham Law. Evidence, law teaching, crosswords, jokes.
The one thing I'll note about the immunity case is that J Alito, joined by CJ Roberts, wrote about the importance and power of limiting instructions just 10 days ago. Today, limiting instructions are good enough for individual defendants but not for protecting the Presidency.
*Record scratch* *Freeze frame* “Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation…”
Casually following yesterday's Stephen Sondheim auction at Doyle was a delight. It became very clear very quickly I wasn't going to be able to buy anything, but it's fun to see people with too much money and just the right amount of nerdy enthusiasm:
This is a post-storm light appreciation post.
Have we so quickly forgotten the .com-stock lode?
“Bitcoin: Made in America” has to be the #1 most brain dead talking point ever uttered.
Yes, that’s French they’re speaking. But these children aren’t French: they’re American.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I sat in the smoking section of a restaurant.
We’re excited too, Shirley! (This post is exclusively for law profs looking at their phones right now.)
Saw an Amazon ad last night about their warehouse in Fall River: "good for employees, good for Fall River." I love picturing this decision-making process: "We should put it in a town that wouldn't mind being heavily featured in our ad. Like, maybe one currently best known for hatchet murders...."
Can’t even have a normal conversation with Joey Lawrence anymore, because of Whoa.
Can’t even get regular salmon anymore, because of wok.
Another extraordinary Evidence Summer Workshop in the books! Great ideas, great conversation, great people. Thanks to Ed Cheng for lead organizing and and Julia Simon-Kerr for co-organizing. #ESW
I absolutely cannot see the aurora in NYC, so here’s a very pretty sunset over the Central Park reservoir in January 2021.
I did not previously know that Balenciaga made a handbag that looks like a Lay's Potato Chip bag. Dilution by burnishment?
I appreciate hearing from the other side.
6 miss the 125th St. Fairway. 2 miss Splash Bar. 3 miss CBGB. One said they miss Veselka, even though it’s still there.
view of the world from ninth avenue.jpg
The real question here is whether any of the jurors have committed plagiarism.
Who needs fancy eclipse-viewing equipment when you have binoculars, black jeans, and the streets of New York?
*youth con law prof voice* you know what else has penumbras?
But President Tetlow, the ChatBot said I could!
The nyc chatbot is perfect
Rumor has it that The Great has won the ACPT! Congrats to the best in the biz!!
Unclear why you all are experiencing some collective hallucination about an earthquake while I didn’t feel a dang thing, but I will get to the bottom of this psychological phenomenon!
#Blessed to be working at a coffee shop that is playing Cowboy Carter.
Reposted byAvatar Maggie Wittlin
I would ask any Democrat considering voting against this nominee this question: What vision of America do you actually believe in, if not the one exemplified by the life and work of a man like Adeel Mangi?
Opinion | The Islamophobic Smear Campaign Dividing Adeel Mangi was a judicial shoo-in for Biden. Will Democrats defend him?
It is shameful that any Democrat would cave to the baseless, discriminatory attacks against this excellent nominee.
A Biden nominee to the Third Circuit who would be the first Muslim-American to serve on any federal appeals court doesn’t have the votes to be confirmed among Democrats in the Senate, it appears.
At least journalism's "kill notification" is direct. When a court gets notified that a party has died, the filing has the delightfully passive-aggressive name, "Suggestion of Death."
Not my wheelhouse but maybe "kill notification" is not the best phrase for those notices...