
*lowers voice* As others have pointed out, you cannot necessarily even emigrate to Canada, your neighbour, if you are disabled or have evidence of 'undue' healthcare spending, for example (real life example unfortunately) receiving treatment in the adult psychiatric care system... involuntarily. šŸ™ƒ
There is an American exceptionalism embedded in the idea that y'all think you can just pick up and leave and go wherever you want. It's cute you think you'd be welcomed. Americans aren't exactly popular in the world.
Oh also, this includes things like 'got an autism diagnosis in order to receive accommodations at school or work' -- the definition of undue burden is so broad that autism or ADHD can count.
Son in law has an autism diagnosis. It took my daughter _a lot_ of work to get him up here. We also have a lot of and far too many New Canadians with advanced degrees or skills driving for Amazon or teaching French. It ain't as easy as hopping the border.
My therapist is pretty sure Iā€™m on the spectrum, but I donā€™t want a formal diagnosis. As an adult, it does nothing to help me and can be a huge detriment because of the stigma still attached. People see ā€œautismā€ and think ā€œso disabled they canā€™t care for themselvesā€.
Yup I've also declined pursuing a formal dx. Mostly for work reasons since I have Ambitions but yeah there's so many ways it can hurt you in adulthood