
Lol, the car was unmarked, but the Marshals were wearing clothes that identified them as US Marshals. This dumbass still pulled a gun on them. This moron is going to straight to Federal-Pound-Me-In-The-Ass-Prison Never FAFO with the Feds
A member of Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s protective detail shot an armed 18-year-old on July 5 when he attempted to carjack the US marshals, who were sitting in an unmarked car near Sotomayor's home. The injuries were not life-threatening.
Member of Justice Sotomayor’s security detail shoots armed carjacker near her A U.S. marshal shot the suspect in the mouth early on July 5, according to a criminal complaint.
I've done some dumb fucking things in my life, but "carjacking Federales" is not one of them. Jeez.