Κασσάνδρα 🏳️‍⚧️

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Κασσάνδρα 🏳️‍⚧️


If the men find out we can shape shift, they're going to tell the church.

Kassandra or Kass or Kassie until further notice.

It's misogynistic and transphobic that every goddamn time you wash a bra you have to reposition the pad inserts.
Much too many alcohols and much too many fee fees.
I need a group chat with just all trans women where I can do a drunken "I just love you bitches".
The 2012 SEC Championship game is my calm down and just be watch.
@edithcharles.bsky.social I don't know if you've seen this, but I think we might both have an interest in this ideology.
I am getting past the threshold of being able to convincingly boymode. It's scary. Fucking scary.
I feel this more today than when I wrote it last weekend. It's just tiring. It makes me sad how trans women are treated. If you knew me, you'd know I'm not a threat to anyone. But I have to live each day, treating everyone I meet as if they consider me a threat. I have to stay small.
I'm very lucky and very privileged. Much more so than I deserve on merit alone. And it's still hard going day to day. Dysphoria is a reaction to how society considers gender. But it's too hard not to internalize guilt, shame, embarrassment.
I still, after almost a decade of him being at the center of political life in this country, do not understand his internal rules for capitalization? It's almost German sometimes, and then he throws in "unLawful". Like WTF?
I can personally vouch that everything in this thread is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
🧵Why Are All The Trans Women Horny I wanted to make this thread because it's a question I see posed all the time, basically framing trans women as sex obsessed and saying that is the problem. I'd like to address it calmly and factually because it's actually pretty interesting! And you should read
I've never heard of her before, but getting toasted then singing our stupid hard national anthem on TV is legendary. Mad respect, girl.
In fairness, the tune to the Star-Spangled Banner is from “To Anacreon in Heaven,” an 18th century British drinking song.
I want to be more like Bubbles. Mercy is for the weak, and I cry a lot.
I'm a Bubbles fangirl - sweet and innocent... but a dangerous weapon of fiery rage if you cross the line 😇
This was a fun and interesting read. My favorite movie's best set. Just perfection.
In an effort to get Doomsday Machines off to a roaring start, I'm publishing more than usual this week — here's my first Mutually Assured Distractions posting, on Dr. Strangelove's War Room. open.substack.com/pub/doomsday...
Dr. Strangelove's War Roomopen.substack.com Could claustrophobic design be a strategic asset?
I would vote so hard for a candidate who had this as part of their agenda.
In 2022, Vance unleashed an unhinged theory on Tucker Carlson's show that his Dem opponent was planning on "flooding America with illegal aliens and then using American tax dollars to fund gender reassignment surgeries for those aliens" www.advocate.com/news/2022/11...
GOP Senate Hopeful Says Dems Want to Turn Immigrants Transgenderwww.advocate.com Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance, the author of Hillbilly Elegy, says that Democrats are bringing "illegal immigrants" to the U.S. to turn them trans.
Again, gobsmacked. The cites to Nixon are dicta because neither party raised the question of the legitimacy of Jaworski's appointment. But then this fucking footnote. So she's ruling on something the parties themselves have not raised?
Judge Cannon: "Commission" doesn't mean the same as "appoint". Also, Judge Cannon:
I think the thing about Beck's lyrics is that they are another instrument in the song. They're not meant to make sense, but are part of the rhythm and beat.
I'm full of booze and happiness. I am so lucky to have the online and irl friends I have. Y'all are wonderful.
Honestly though, this has been one of the best afternoons ever. My only regret is that it will end.
I made the rookie mistake of not bringing something to put on my shoulders when in a building where men have control of the A/C.
It has pockets. Also, this is really the first time wearing a dress outside the house. Please clap. Or at least not be mean.
Pickford needs to stay home if England hopes to bring it home. Send post.
I'm not sure what year the US lost its innocence but it wasn't fucking 2024
WTF are you smoking, BBC?
The announcer also has a little crush on Alcaraz.
Yeah. You can’t go to a mall, go to the movies, go to a house of worship, go to school, go to a club, go to a library, go shopping, or run for president anymore.
WTF are you smoking, BBC?
How is Alcaraz's hair still that perfect? It's twink magic.