
I think all Latin Americans were freaking shocked when he said that migrants were usurping black jobs. As if they were the only ones available for those jobs! That statement implied a hierarchy where some are 2nd-class citizens and others are even less.
it feels like the whiteness of big political media spaces right now is having a big effect on how people are thinking about the debate. eg I have seen relatively little discussion of trump's "black jobs" comment, which immediately exploded on black twitter
That hierarchy is a defining feature of the US labor market, unfortunately for the human beings who have to be in said market! (Not saying this is a good thing, it's not, but legal status used by employees to lower employees' leverage)
It is understandable that being illegal.makes you harder to be hired. However, he should have said that illegals make the fit for unscrupulous recruiters, lowering work conditions (independently of your race). Instead what he implies is "black people are the second tier and displaced by the least"
Even as an unscrupulous guy, he fails at concealing himself ( because he is dumb or waaaaaay too egocentric)
When they could no longer legally use race to lower an employee's leverage they used immigration status. It's not an accident that undocumented latino laborers slotted into jobs Black people abandoned as soon as they could and that those jobs have been functionally unchanged since share cropper days
It's not an accident that much of the documented occurences of modern day slavery is not the weird "white women sex slaves" fever dreams that dominate culture but farm workers. . It's also not an accident that as Black people had access to social programs they started erasing those programs
Completely true! and at the end when employers want to earn more money, they go unscrupulous as always. And there is always a pool to choose people from!
Hey the trick is to also make sure that your foreign policy (or your climate policy) is always creating people who have no choice but to migrate.
The problem is that there won't even be a country to migrate when all this ends... shortsighted as always!
Yeah viewing American race issues as β€œcaste” really crystallizes a lot for me
If there are things more annoying than social classes are racial divisions...
It wasn't just implied. I heard it like it was being shouted through a bullhorn.
And on national TV for all continent... but they would love to deny it!
That is exactly what people like Trump believe. Latinos have understood him correctly.
Surely all friends watching this in the USA and across the continent got the message, Trump and any of his friends! ( or any friendly people to him ) aren't friends... even the ones across the two ponds!
Or that they are more violent - when all the evidence shows the exact opposite.
I would love to see the moderators supported by people with the actual data but the man "was, is and will be impossible", he basically avoided each question! and in one (climate change) he tangentially said NO to avoid the subject. Ps: positive side, you know when he is lying about things.
Exactly. Insight into his belief system, racism.
I was like... "Uhhh is every Latin American in the USA watching this?" and "it's every Latin American watching this on the continent, feeling the same stuff as us?" And apparently it's a yes πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«?
I hope they got the message. The idea that there are Latin Americans and Black people don’t recognize his utter racism is hard to fathom.
Had a friend of a friend - seems like an unreliable history and wish it was. He was a Mexican migrant and each racist on the list was a vote. They are good with their racism as along he is a right winger. Ps: that says a lot about some parts of the right.
It’s insane to me that anyone thinks they’ll be safe under fascism. I started sharing Neimoller in 2016. I learned few understood the history and how it applies today. We are an ignorant, self-involved country.
Sadly it applies to every country nowadays πŸ˜• extremists are not absent in all continents and they usually love to hang out together... making it extremely easy to point to them tbh. I do wonder how hard you have to rationalize horrible stuff to gravitate towards them πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«. BUT WE SHALL PREVAIL!