Manu πŸŒŠπŸ³πŸ¦β€β¬›πŸ”οΈπŸŒŽ

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Manu πŸŒŠπŸ³πŸ¦β€β¬›πŸ”οΈπŸŒŽ

Generic dumb, B Physics with thermodynamics, PhD in Marine energy, MsC Quantum technologies (onit)

Opinions/Grammars/Typos are MINE! If any opinion is logical/progressive/in search of freedom/equality then it is probably shared by partners!

North America
Fly a rocket to the moon!
64K of RAM? Sixty Four of God's own kilobytes? What the hell would you ever do with that much RAM?
β€œWelcome to Sea World, your call may be recorded for training porpoises”
This deserves more likes sr! I would even invite a coffee after this joke!
I am sure everything will go well and yes it is awful when you know you have stuff to do and you don't want to sit to do it πŸ˜‚! But maybe a bit of inspiration or correct music can help ;)
Thanks🌊! Btw I hope holidays were really good over there - or they are good if you are still on holidays! Take care! And enjoooy! The food too :D
I got the flu, she got the flu, time to get extra rest <3 Ps: never underestimate the power of hugging your pets :3, they are awesome!
I am so sorry for the Bavarians in this case 😬
alles unterhalb der elbe ist norditalien
This πŸ‘‡πŸ½! Ps: and speed for ability
People tend to mistake confidence for ability.
You know sunrise is coming on that side when the German cluster starts to say "guten morgen" or "moin" :3
🚨 New Ocean Modeller position available at PIK as part of the Tipping Point Modelling Intercomparison Project (TIPMIP). Work would be on AMOC stability in climate models. If you're interested, link to the posting here: 🚨 Any questions, get in touch!
Stellenangebote // Open
He and certain judges and gop donors have a long tail that reaches Paris, Germany and Moscow. And I don't think we are talking about Macron or Merkel.
If you're constantly immersing yourself in the worst parts of humanity without any kind of respite or pleasant experiences or any sort of break, and everything in your life revolves around terribleness, it fucks you up. It fucks you up hard, it fucks you up bad, and it fucks you up in lasting ways.
❗A new tool to identify the presence of a lethal neurotoxin-producing cyanobacteria in the world's lakes and rivers that ultimately improves the safety of tap water is now available thanks to technology developed at Scripps Oceanography and the University of SΓ£o Paulo.
Patent Filed for Novel Method to Detect Toxin in Fresh A new freshwater monitoring tool, which can detect a lethal toxin called guanitoxin in freshwater sources, is now available to public health officials thanks to technology developed at Scripps Institu...
Anyone in the Boston area looking for a lab tech? I've got a ✨stellar✨ undergrad who graduated & is looking for a lab position (industry or academia). Strong background in microbio, molecular & cell bio. Was in my lab for 3yrs, including 2 summers, and did an REU and an internship. 1/2
Next week I'm planning to step out and get some postcards printed. Wondering if someone would like to pay to receive a postcard via snailmail. (Say 5usd) Also, maybe I can charge a little extra to write a story for them on the back. (10usd?) (Should I check out Kofi to set it up Or just paypal)
Anyone up for taking over the duration of the ecology and Conservation feed? πŸ§ͺ
Hi all - looking for someone to take over the (very small) task of curating the Ecology and Conservation feed. That simply means adding people who want in, after a small check of their profile to see if they're legit. I'm looking to change my approach to social media, and want to take a step back. 🌎
Challenge Photo a Day 2024 July, 16 A Park Bench Sometimes there's a bench at the end of the rainbowm #fmspad #Photography
Nobody at the RNC came to hear Boris Johnson and Kellyanne Conway. How embarrassing.
a lot of people with disabilities also post amazon wishlists for essentials because SSDI puts severe limitations on income and cash gifts. i won't be shopping on amazon for myself but there are situations i'll absolutely use it.
It's almost "Prime Day". If you look on your favorite shelter's website or instagram you might find that they have an amazon wishlist and that many of their items might be on sale. I hate amazon, I definitely encourage people to shop local whenever possible, but I'm just putting the info out there.
Fun fact, he does not hold Christian or other religious values. if Jesus were still around he would make a whip of cords and drive his ass out of trump's tower because it is "a den of thieves."
Fun fact: Donald Trump hates it when men wear wedding rings because he thinks it shows they’re β€œp***y whipped.” So JD Vance stopped wearing his ring. But sure, tell me how Trump and Vance are pro-family men with Christian values.
This month is going to be painful, with no salary for the last 3 months and a bunch of freelance project payments still pending. I really need to figure out some digital goods I can sell (instantly) to make up some money. Could use suggestions. (Target is to raise about 400usd).