
stories like this give the lie to the idea that the right is interested in protecting these children. per their own narrative, this girl is a victim of “gender ideology” or whatever. but the reaction from the right is always hostility, ostracization and violence.
Mom of transgender girl athlete says Florida's investigation has destroyed her daughter's A Florida public school employee who faces firing because she allowed her transgender daughter to play girls high school volleyball assailed those who outed her child, saying Tuesday that the ensuing ...
This fucking wrecked me.
The comments on that story are so awful. "The mother broke the law knowingly and now wants sympathy for abusing her child??" It makes me wonder if they are an AI fueled psyop
some of those have 1000+ posts on Yahoo! I might have made ONE around 1998, just to ask how is Babby formed 📶
If I was smarter I'd scrap their posting histories and see if they even bothered to emulate users who sleep