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I’m a news junkie and I had to google “trump black jobs” to even know what this was referring to. Media is an absolute joke. He is so clearly an over the top racist and it just gets shrugged off. Incredible.
Boston Globe op-eds on Biden Old in the last week: 5 Boston Globe op-eds mentioning Trump’s “Black jobs” rant: 0
Would be a good idea for the party to do a survey to see who’s for court expansion, who’s really in this fight, and who’s not. Because I’m guessing there are a few in Congress now that don’t have the fight in them and should go, or get shoved out.
“The Court’s conservative majority has revealed itself to be the most direct threat to American democracy, and any Democrat who is not ready to shelve old fears about ‘court packing’ and get serious about expanding and reforming the Court isn’t made for this moment.” Correct.
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Using Palestinian as a slur is bad but sending 70 individual weapon shipments to a regime that uses them to kill children is a regrettable but tolerable choice is what I am gathering today.
Feel like moderate democrats have far more in common with the far right than they do the left. On Palestine, on taxes, on policing, on court reform.
Just so disgusted by the (all but 2) Republicans and 62 Democrats (see below) who voted to ban US officials from acknowledging the death toll in Gaza.
Because moderate Dems have far more in common with the right than the left.
In his right-wing turn on border policy, the Biden administration has invoked the widespread popularity of increased enforcement. Why, then, isn’t he running on universal pre-K, Medicare for All and a permanent ceasefire—policies voters support in droves?
The Myth of the "Poll-Driven" Democrat Is Cover for Conservative Policy Selective "popularism" is being used by the Democratic Party establishment to pursue reactionary ideological goals.
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If you never read any other FOREVER WARS edition, read this interview with a US Army major who worked in military intelligence on the Mideast before resigning over Gaza.
We gonna do a “horseshoe theory” with NYT and far right? Or just zero follower shitposters on social media? Becuse the latter are far more impactful.
Unions in early 20th cen were exclusionary, going against Debs and the IWW, to the detriment of all workers. Glad this is being corrected.
"With the help of a research assistant, I reached out to every union drive that went public in 2022...BLM was the (non-union) movement influence that was most widely cited by those workers who initiated union drives in 2022."
Can Anti-Racism Spur Labor Organizing? My survey findings on BLM's impact on the current unionization uptick
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Don’t hold your breath waiting for the presidential immunity decision. If you’re wondering whether the MAGA majority on the Court will let Trump off the hook, they already have. By doing so, they have already interfered in the 2024 elections.
Tipping the Scales: The MAGA Justices Have Already Interfered with the 2024 They continue to be no less partisan than the House or Senate GOP Caucuses
Dems always do this thing where they’re like “sure the republicans are right about issue x but it’s not THAT bad!” And get shocked when voters go with the party that they themselves admit got the issue right. They could easily make a positive case for immigration because facts, but no
Worth digesting what’s happening here. 1. Dems are brutalizing immigrants 2. Dems are radicalizing voters against immigrants 3. Voters are always going to choose the real thing over fascism-lite 4. Some segment of newly radicalized voters will likely now vote against you because of immigration
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More than 500,000 books have been removed from our lending library due to the publishers’ lawsuit, including more than 1,300 banned and challenged titles. 📚🕳️ Sign our open letter to the publishers urging them to restore access to these books. 📖✍️ #LetReadersRead 👉
Democrats. We could have had us a big boy summer but no yall had to go and make the race interesting
JB Pritzker, the governor of Illinois, has emerged as the chief amplifier of Donald Trump’s felon status while other Democrats have largely avoided focusing on Trump’s conviction.
This Top Democrat Isn’t Afraid to Call Trump a Felon and a Most of the party’s leaders want to avoid too much focus on Donald Trump’s felonies. JB Pritzker, the governor of Illinois, feels differently.
This is attempted murder.sickening.
Texas' abortion ban prevented doctors from providing an abortion to a woman with a failing pregnancy—forcing her to instead pass the pregnancy on her own. She spent days in agony, vomiting and bleeding, until she passed out from blood loss and nearly died.
How a couple found themselves tangled in Texas’ strict abortion laws after A Texas woman needed help passing her incomplete miscarriage and wanted a surgical abortion. Her husband said that two medical centers denied or delayed a...
A sighting! Picture makes it look better than in real life, where it looked like shit.
This is an headline
NEW: Powerful NYC union 1199SEIU is said to be resisting its own staff's unionization efforts
This was great and I recommend the who thing but the part where an Austrian general visits Charleston and they show him the torture building they use on the city’s slave population, to his utter bewilderment as he is disgusted by it, was a very strong mirror of In The Penal Colony by Kafka. Surreal.
This is a great piece overall, and these two graphs really nail the problem with NYT
Getting some kudos for my insistence here that "media" is the plural of "medium" and should be treated accordingly even if the war over "data" being the plural of "datum" may be lost. Grammar nerds unite!
Why the New York Times Won't Admit Its It doesn't just give the people what they want. It tells them what to want.
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In the Spring of 1864 Twain, while working as a beat reporter for the SF Morning Call, Twain witnessed the murder of a Chinese laborer by a mob that included cops. It radicalized him. He wrote it up, one of the first things he ever authored which he thought deserved to be called “literature”… 2/
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Love to see people crap on doomerism and then read articles like this. it’s completely lost on them that this is exactly why the right is able to get their issues in the media - doom about trans doom about immigrants, DEI, woke, etc. But the left shouldn’t do it because?
The end of coral reefs as we know Years ago, scientists made a devastating prediction about the ocean. Now it’s unfolding.
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I've been drawing strips for years about attacks on students' right to protest, yet strangely I've never been invited to give a TED Talk, speak at an "ideas festival," or pen a column for the Atlantic. This is from 2016.
“Bulldozing buildings with people still inside.” “There are no universities left in Gaza.” Those two sentences were right at the begging of the story. I’m guessing it gets worse but I couldn’t go on.
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As uncommon as it is for incarcerated people to make endorsements, Sirhan Sirhan has the chance to do the funniest goddamn thing in the history of politics right now
This is his latest post lol
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Having meta debates about US college campus climates instead of grappling with the fact that there are no functional universities left in Gaza because of US money and weapons is so embarrassing when you think about it. Bunch of unserious people in the media class and US society in general.
Reposted byAvatar Sado
Even if you don’t think this is true you should still spread this far and wide because nothing will turn Rufo and his I’ll into dust quicker than convincing people they’re stooges for the NYT.
I actually find Christopher Rufo extremely uninteresting and unimportant. He's just the mascot; the New York Times* is the problem. It's using him as an excuse to do what it wants to do anyway. If he didn't exist, they'd find another. Just as they did before anyone had ever heard of him. * etc
Reposted byAvatar Sado
[PAMELA PAUL:] "Rather than muzzle students, we should allow them to hear and be heard. Opportunities to engage and respond." [COLUMBIA ADMINISTRATORS:] (*sic NYPD on students, evict them from campus*) [PAMELA PAUL:] (*keens in rapturous elation*)
Is the NYT gonna do a whole front page on this or
BREAKING: Secretary of State Blinken Is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings, Rapes A special State Dept panel told Blinken the US should restrict arms sales to Israeli military units credibly accused of human rights abuses. He has not taken action.
Blinken Is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings or A special State Department panel told Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the U.S. should restrict arms sales to Israeli military units that have been credibly accused of human rights abuses. He ha...
If you’re mad about the NYT giving dicks like Rufo platform, power, and prestige may I suggest following and supporting actual left news outlets like the Lever? Great reporting (Also TAP, In These Times, flaming hydra, etc etc )
🚨INVESTIGATION: Big Pharma is charging Americans $200,000 for a cancer drug that U.S. taxpayers paid to develop. The University of California is one of a number of schools now lobbying lawmakers to block a Biden initiative to lower medicine prices, because schools are profiting off the schemes.
Universities Are Making Billions Gatekeeping Your The University of California has raked in a previously undisclosed $1.6 billion from Xtandi sales, and now doesn’t want the government lowering exorbitant drug costs.
Great piece on the psychotic group think of the GOP. I know it’s a bit a fools game to pick one moment went they went off the rails but for my money it was when the “respectable” elder Bush literally carried Limbaughs bags into the White House. They were owned by the wackos from that point on.
I once wrote a piece about how America faces a crisis of political correctness & cancel culture—with the vast majority of it coming from the right. Congress's bizarre vote declaring that "from the river to the sea" is antisemitic shows how true that is.
Political Correctness Is Destroying America! (Just Not How You Think.) Political correctness — from the right — is destroying America.