
I wrote about Jonathan Glazer's willfully ignorant critics, Trump's recent comments about Jews who vote for Dems, and the pathological need for some people—especially within the religion—to decide who is and is not a Good Jew. I hope you'll give it a read.
Who's a good Jew? Trump, Jonathan Glazer and the pernicious need to call out who's doing Judaism correctly.
True of a lot of issues, but bad faith critics never stipulate what the correct way to publicly criticize Israeli policy is.
I'd actually like the question put to more people in the debate if only to get them on the record that they don't think anyone should ever criticize Israeli policy, which would at least be a direct position rather than a fake meta-debate
but then they would have no grounds for continuing to argue in bad faith
Probably 10 years ago, the rabbi at the temple we belonged to gave a sermon in which he said that the Palestinians deserve whatever happens to them because they voted for hamas. I found that objectionable on so many levels. I never returned to that temple
Gah, I recall all the Seder arguments between my ex and I and her family about the occupation and her being called a bad Jew. And this was over 20 years ago! It’s only gotten worse (or maybe more mainstream?) since then
In sum, "common sense" which has been proven to not be common. This is a terrific template for so many things, because at the root, we just have a lot of humans who spend too much time criticizing others in irrational ways. What's the point? We don't need more divisiveness. IANAJ. Thanks, M.
How does Greenblatt not see his bad faith criticism of Glazer and Trump's comments as being on the same continuum?
people see what they want to see and vice versa
A person can never be made to understand what their livelihood depends on their not understanding, or something like that.
Thank you, Marisa! While trying to understand all the varied perspectives of this conflict, Hollywood denouncing Glazer's speech nearly broke my brain trying to understand; I asked myself: "Wait, why are Jews turning on Jews now?" Your article has cleared up so much of the confusion for me. ✌️🫶
Well written. I tend to bounce off of any sort of orthodoxy which many times also puts me in opposition to people on the left. I'm just an atheist of all things.
Good read. I'm an atheist in part because so many organized religions assert political authority so brutally. I do see the dilemma between "cease fire now" and Hamas holding civilian hostages. Sadly, the US is complicit in the deaths of Palestinians because of our continued military aid to Israel
Super interesting, thank you for writing/sharing.