Mark Gilman

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Mark Gilman

Multi-Faith Jew. Spiritual Organizer. Sci-fi nerd. Urban planning aficionado. Unapologetic believer in hope & optimism.
My theology: You are what you worship.
I cannot recommend this book enough:
Where's the AI app that can take a photo of your bookshelf, and show you how to organize it by color, height, genre, theme, etc. You can search the app for where the book is on the shelf. If the bookshelf gets messy take a new pic and it'll tell you how to reorder it. I would pay for this.
When I see this gossip mag page from the 90's I am strangely comforted in knowing that the stupidity of Social Media discourse was never novel. In fact, once upon a time, people used to pay for it gladly.
These efforts work beyond exposure and understanding. They address the root cause of extremism: the lack of meaning and community. explains it beautifully, "Inner fulfilment and communal connection are the solutions to hate." 18/x
I could not help but think about this very real movie based on a very true story.
tell us a perfect album that came out when you were 16 <3
This candy pickle tastes nothing like a pickle, it tastes gross. I feel offended.
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