Mark Gilman

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Mark Gilman

Multi-Faith Jew. Spiritual Organizer. Sci-fi nerd. Urban planning aficionado. Unapologetic believer in hope & optimism.
My theology: You are what you worship.
Reposted byAvatar Mark Gilman
There are, I believe, two Joe Biden conversations and they’re overlapping unhelpfully imho. One is people with legit moral concerns. The other is sponsored by the NYT and is But Her Emails 2.0. They’re not the same thing, I don’t believe.
We also need to build bridges with groups who may seem to be less natural allies to grow solidarity across ideological spectra, and learn to adjust our message while not abandoning our beliefs.
Noir about post war truma, "vets w/ PTSD & combat skills: the cops & criminals would have proudly died for each other like a year ago so its super fucked up when they fight, those involved in crime on either side are failing to reintegrate into civilian life"
I cannot recommend this book enough:
Any other Jews out there who recently turned 40 and thus ineligible for "20's-30's" programming? It definitely adds to the lonliness, there are lots of social shabbats and experiences I'm suddenly ineligible for. There's a smidge "20's-40's" programming in NYC.
This photo has Big Czernobog energy.
I have a friend who teaches at two colleges, one whose calendar focus on Christian holidays another whose calendar focuses on Jewish holidays. Because Passover and Holy Week are totally unaligned this year thanks to a second month of Adar, each school has spring break when the other one doesn't.
The fanfic we need.
The john wick world vibes are pretty impeccable but it's very funny to imagine a normal person stumbling into one of the assassin hotels and trying to buy a drink with their visa
If they found a way to bring back characters from the games and have them played by the original voice actors I'd be in nerd heaven.
Where's the AI app that can take a photo of your bookshelf, and show you how to organize it by color, height, genre, theme, etc. You can search the app for where the book is on the shelf. If the bookshelf gets messy take a new pic and it'll tell you how to reorder it. I would pay for this.
I dunno if that's culturally sensitive, it's not a "Merry" holiday to them.
This goes on the Goodreads with the hundreds of other religion books I need to read. 🤣😭🤣😭
Form those of us without a Wsj subscription what are they looking for?
When I see this gossip mag page from the 90's I am strangely comforted in knowing that the stupidity of Social Media discourse was never novel. In fact, once upon a time, people used to pay for it gladly.
I would like to take a moment to publicly apologize for all the times I dumped on the following bands as a teen: Hanson, The Backstreet Boys, N'SYNC, Britney Spears. Y'all are great.
I'd listen to this episode of MST3K
It's not perfect, there problems with it's depiction of History (they refer to seders in the pilot 🙄). But there are also a lot of people who've had a positive experience, with it. It think it's mixed in its good and bad. IMHO, there need to be more versions of this out there.
Or maybe The Last Temptation of Christ? Heh.
That is amazing. I watched Season One and saw a bunch of things that made me go "👀???" I always hoped someone Jewish with a strong background in 2nd Temple Judiasm would respond to the show.
Not gonna lie, I'd listen to you respond to The Chosen.
It's funny how we learned that we don't have to be good looking, or good at math to love ourselves, but we''ll be damned if we're bad at social media.
Now I just want to remake Cheers with the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
lots of discourse on whether there should be a True Detective S5 but only one right answer: hire Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny at their current ages, name their characters Mulder and Scully, make them longtime (work) partners, do not otherwise acknowledge the existence of X-Files in the show
So middle class share of wealth went up from the late 90's to the early 2000's? What was that from?
This feels like the premise of a horror movie.
Reposted byAvatar Mark Gilman
Rabbi Abbahu teaches us that the place where the people fixing their own brokenness stand, even the righteous and saintly do not stand. (Babylonian Talmud, Berachos 34b). Fixing your brokenness, in Judaism, is more sacred than righteousness.
That's a Jimmy Eat World lyric.
OMG I had one of these for a bit when my parents feared I couldn't handle a laptop for taking notes in school.
It's in the 57 F in NYC in early February, it so freaks me out.
I thought of her immediately, I guess I thought it might be rude to randomly @ her.