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One thing that's clear from the Biden/age story is this: NYT knows how to crusade when it wants to. And NYT is crusading against Biden's mental unfitness for office in a way it's just not doing with Trump. On the pod, and I break this all down:
Trump’s Wildly Unhinged Attack on NYT Should Wake Up Media: He’s With Trump slamming The Times even as it crusades against Biden, a press critic explains how Trump scams the media into adopting a huge double standard on each man's fitness to serve.
Serious question: What is it going to take to get the press to ask Donald Trump the questions of fitness and cognitive capacity that they’re asking Biden at every opportunity?
Trump said “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.” But Project 2025 is run by Trump's closest aides, raising concerns about cognitive fitness for a candidate who seems unable to recall those around him.
Troubling Signs of Cognitive Decline as Trump Struggles to Recognize Closest "I know nothing about Project 2025" statement triggers new concerns about his fitness to serve
Trump: I don't know anything about Project 2025 Here is a list of all the Trump officials who authored the Project 2025 blueprint, Mandate for Leadership. 25 of 36 were part of the Trump administration.
“The Court’s conservative majority has revealed itself to be the most direct threat to American democracy and any Democrat who is not ready to shelve old fears about “court packing” and get serious about expanding and reforming the Court isn’t made for this moment”
The Radical Roberts The current Supreme Court of the United States has just cemented its place in history as the most radical Supreme Court ever. For a century and a half, that dishonor has gone to the antebellum court l...
The Court ruling today is terrible but expected. I will just gently remind everyone that the election hasn’t happened yet. We shouldn’t assume the worst outcome as a foregone conclusion. That only encourages more apathy than many are already feeling.
End of feed.