marta santos silva

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marta santos silva

phd candidate in media; former journalist; not an expert in anything; writer for your leftist needs; #259 lisboa roller derby troopers; based in lisbon; 🏳️‍🌈 she/her
israel is taking out hospitals, universities, schools, refugee camps, ambulance convoys, journalists, in plain view of the entire world. once again, the west stands by, either hand-wringing or fully supporting a genocide. we must all call to stop this war. free palestine 🇵🇸
to some extent the right-wing / ""centrist"" (""apolitical"") discourse i am seeing about palestine is uninformed and disinterested people who already assumed the gaza strip was a pile of rubble and a refugee camp, surprised that people are managing to survive- 1/-
publiquei isto na app do inferno, tive 80 likes mas uma data de neonazis chamaram-me coisas incríveis. aqui no bluesky tenho um like. prefiro mesmo ter só um like.
oi bluesky, vim só aqui lembrar que Mário Machado é uma das figuras principais do assassinato de Alcindo Monteiro.
oi bluesky, vim só aqui lembrar que Mário Machado é uma das figuras principais do assassinato de Alcindo Monteiro.
Mário Machado, um neonazi condenado, fez parte do grupo que espalhou o terror na noite em que mataram Alcindo Monteiro. É incompreensível que Mamadou Ba seja condenado por constatar este facto. Espero que em em segunda instância se anule esta decisão.
i know everyone on the internet is having the same realization and i am late to the party but, as it turns out, a lot of what ails me is, indeed, caused by ADHD. three days on methylphenidate and i’m amazed 🐁
Palestinian resistance is never “unprovoked” and to frame it as such is disingenuous propaganda of the highest order. Occupation is a constant provocation.
hey sorry can we talk about this later. they just dumped some more slop into my trough so i’ll be busy with that for a little while
hey sorry I missed your text, I am processing a non-stop 24/7 onslaught of information with a brain designed to eat berries in a cave
Introduce yourself with some jobs you have done apart from what you do now: - journalist - bartender - admin / data management
Introduce yourself with some jobs you have done apart from what you do now: - secretary - radio DJ - nursing assistant - housekeeper for the Statler - dining room worker - janitor - waitress - quality monitor at a mine site - plant pathology student worker - mosquito lab student worker
i’ll be buried under layers of self-loathing for the weekend, as good a way as any of enjoying your time off
E uma dica que, felizmente, por aqui tem sido mais seguida, mas ainda assim: não lhe aumentemos o megafone partilhando o vídeo e o seu discurso. Partilhemos antes o livro “No Meu Bairro”, sobre inclusão e diversidade:
No meu bairro - Penguin Este livro representa uma forma inspiradora de vida em comunidade. É um livro sobre ti e sobre todes nós. Uma abordagem cheia de poesia à diversidade, ao respeito pela individualidade e à aceitaç...
a minha mãe pediu ao meu pai pra pintar esta moldura de amarelo e quando ele a pendurou a secar deu uma capa diy da natgeo
watching the dimension 20 mentopolis finale has me in such a thrall i actually texted my long-suffering husband “the polyhedral dice rolls are the best i’ve ever seen” and now i feel like an unforgivable nerd, i need some friends who are into actual play shows asap
You're in her DMs, I am not, I dunno how you're doing it, we do not have DMs
my four day migraine episode -> heaven for my dog who got to sit in the gloom with me 24/7 napping
i'm napmaxxing, a sleepypilled little slumbercel
it’s my birthday i am 31! shoot me some timeless life advice if you got it i need it
esperar de pé sem fazer nada distende o tempo de tal maneira que acho que é capaz de ser o segredo da vida eterna. uma vida entediante e sem alegrias mas eterna.
finally going back to roller derby practice after being off skates all summer so i’m getting ready to fall on my butt and just eat some track in general for two and a half hours ✌️🛼