Mary Sucks

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Mary Sucks

Bird site refugee. NYT Contributor.
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he's a doodle boy in a doodle world... meet doodle!
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People got used to fascism way too easily.
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[first day as mall Satan] [mothers screaming, children crying]
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going to get way too drunk and start a fist fight with grandma
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i have a lot of fucking frustrations in the world but im still gonna go into the box in a year from now and press the button labeled "do NOT give donald trump access to the us nuclear weapons arsenal"
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when my tinder match asks about my hobbies:
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My heart has really been broken by how many people on the left have celebrated or minimized the murder of over 1000 Jewish people. Naomi Klein does a beautiful job of explaining how unwise and unkind it is to celebrate Jewish death.
Why are some of the left celebrating the killings of Israeli Jews? | Naomi Some continue to minimize massacres of Israeli civilians, and some even seem to celebrate them – this only fuels militant Zionism
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this is literally me
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I've got to be more active here 😢
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My health insurance told me I have to look for a new therapist. I am not looking for a new therapist. If society can't provide me one they'll have to deal with the consequences
Is that a fish in your pocket or is uyor penis wrigglinh and writhing frantically in the hopesof returning to the sea
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Demanding people subject themselves to posts by hundreds of thousands of Neo Nazis instead of blocking them because some sex workers may also have the $8 check is insane. I’m sorry, it is.
Fyodor Dostoevsky's "New Girl"
Philip K Dick’s “Arrested Development”
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some of you are enjoying being outraged a little too much, and while i'd never tell anyone to log off i'm not sure what you are hoping to accomplish by not logging off and instead alluding to violence against the mods? its an interesting strategy, i'll say that much
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i probably wouldn’t compare most stuff to the holocaust because it was the holocaust
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hi there. i’m 23 years old and out of the 4 billion plus people using social media, i happen to be the only one using it correctly. and luckily i’ve developed some rules for you to follow
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Never have i seen more people think being the main character online is a good thing than on here
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BlueSky screwed up as a new platform with a shockingly small tech team. It didn’t actively pay Nazis to tweet hate speech. Choose wisely.
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while we're talking about Singal let's all remember his fucking horrible cover story in the Atlantic, and take a peak at the upper right corner. a perfect example of what America's priorities are.
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fuck team edward or team jacob were you team tom or team jerry
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how I feel ditching Twitter for bluesky
healing his ailments (letting him rest his head on my boobs while i scratch his hair)
guy who replies to all his friends' selfies with the flame emoji but it's bc he abhors the graven image and he's trying to burn them but he doesn't know how computers work