
A different constitutional crisis everyday
It's not a constitutional crisis if Joe Biden covers his ears and goes la-la-la I can't hear you
Look, this is a shitty thing, but what exactly is Biden supposed to do here? He can't fire SCOTUS. If he issues an executive order to counter this it will get litigated. He can work with Congress to try to get a law written, but since we don't have both houses, that's not likely to happen.
guess the president has no power, can’t do anything. meanwhile trump is all powerful and can do everything he wants. do i have that right?
If SCOTUS somehow says Trump is above criminal prosecution while Biden isn't... Seriously, what do you want Biden to do? Expand the Court? The Senate won't do that.
look man, liberals have assured me time and time again that trump will be able to enact pure, uncut fascism, while also saying joe biden is powerless to stop anything that’s happening now. i don’t know what to tell you, im just repeating their talking points
I guess it all comes down to: just how many Americans do you think support Trump as a potential fascist leader? That's where the problem lies. And the answer is "a lot". Biden is obeying the law. Trump isn't. It's not a symmetric situation.
Okay, cool. He'll lose, and I'm not getting invested. Looking after my own if they're going to be this stupid about it.
They'll lose doing this boy scout routine against fascists, and as they're losing they'll sing this same nothing-we-can-do song just like Bush v Gore
it’s been the playbook for 20+ years at this point, why expect them to change it up now?
Biden follows or breaks the law when he wants to. Same as every other president.
I'm not sure what you want us to do about it then. If the Democrats are in office and aren't really fighting to put the nails in the coffin of fascism, why are you expecting us to be able to stop it? Vote and then what?
Biden has done war crimes too.
So basically democrats are useless and incapable of doing anything to stop someone who doesn't respect 'rules' and 'decorum'. Why should we vote for them again?
In general, Biden acts within the law. The fear of DJT going full fascist involves DJT ignoring the law and institutions buckling under the assault of said lawlessness. The asymmetry of those who prize institutions vs. those who wish to dismantle them is a serious issue.
This asymmetry is the problem of our politics right now that I don't see a clear solution for. I am, however, pretty sure that just breaking institutions and ignoring the law isn't the solution. I could be wrong! But it likely is unsustainable.
joe biden is breaking US law currently by sending arms to israel. is that fascism? is that authoritarianism?
He's not, but don't let your complete ignorance stop you from sharing your very wrong, very stupid opinion
You’re right in the sense that it is legal for a president to bypass congress (that thing that is supposedly there to check authoritarian one-man rule) in order to send billions of dollars of weaponry to an active genocide. But that speaks to how fascist the system already is and has always been.
Keep taking that pocket comb to a gun fight
You would prefer I mow down the innocent with the guilty using an Uzi?
Not going to hit a lot of innocents at the RNC unless your aim's real bad
Of what use was Hindenburg's commitment to the processes and laws of the Weimar Republic, if his opponent will cynically use and abandon them for the sake of his own power? Is a system that allows Donald Trump to be president, and allows him to run again after an insurrection, worth defending?
if the "lawful way" means sleepwalking into handing the reins back to Donald, is the "lawful way" worth anything?
the court is basically rebelling against equality and democratic legislation as concepts, the opponent in the potus race is openly saying he'll go fascist if he wins and is still on the ballot. constitutional crisis is already here. constitutional order is already over.
Why would you prize the institutions when the institutions have brought us to this point?
Pack the courts. Abolish the courts. Throw all the catholic justices in Guantanamo bay. Who gives a shit?
This is Papal erasure. Maybe. Idk.
there are no institutions in the usg worth preserving hth
liberals worship The Rules, nothing else matters to them. genocide is perfectly fine as long as it's not against The Rules.
don't you all ever feel bad when lucy moves the football out of your way
All the fucking time.
This is Tushnet’s Type Two constitutional crisis. From 20 years ago.
One man will abide by our laws and constitution, the other won’t and has assembled a group of powerful sycophants who will aid him. It’s really not complicated.
so it’s good when biden breaks the law and Real Bad when trump does it?
joe biden is breaking US law currently by sending arms to israel. is that fascism? is that authoritarianism?
Yeah, except he's not breaking the law. But you would know that if you had even a basic understanding of just oh so many topics
Andrew Jackson also wasnt breaking the law by owning slaves and upholding the institution of slavery, nor by enacting the policies that led to the Trail of Tears. If you are arguing strictly from what is or is not “legal” you will find yourself supporting things like slavery and genocide.
legalism perverts will never understand this. also biden is actually violating the leahy law. just because the doj will never prosecute it doesn't mean it isn't happening lol
One of these “breaks of the law” is admittedly super odious but doesn’t result in the end of American democracy, but you don’t give a shit
you could have just “yes i don’t care if biden breaks the law” but yall love to be smarmy hall monitors
"american democracy" lmao this is wall sts country
Ah yes good point, all violations of law are exactly equivalent. Super smart perspective.
There it is again... the possible "end" of an already-failed governmental system in one country is worse than actual, real-live genocide that's happening right now.
A vote for Trump could mean an end of American democracy AND a worse situation for Palestine. A vote for Biden preserves American democracy AND gives us a lever to pull to at least make Some difference in Palestine. These are our two options. Can you see that one is worse on both counts?
if democracy is truly in danger that makes a traitor to our nation. why wouldn't Biden just arrest such an obvious treasonous danger to the nation? why not have it done after the insurrection? why isn't Biden treating Trump as seriously as you are?