The mathematican's apprentice

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The mathematican's apprentice

Researcher in mathematics at the University of Padua. French
It turns out that P implies P (how work is going right now)
einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
Padua Summer School in Analysis; day 2 (started tired)
Found this sick burn on Mastodon:
Merci Indiana Jones : le mythe d'un IIIe Reich fasciné par l'occulte et les sociétés secrètes et la magie lui doit beaucoup. Un mythe, qui s'appuie comme tous les mythes sur quelques éléments factuels, mais (très) exagérés. Je vous raconte tout ça sur Slate.
Les nazis fascinés par les sciences occultes, un mythe tenace mais infondé Si l'image d'un commandement nazi versé dans la magie noire a fait les beaux jours de la pop culture, elle ne repose en réalité pas sur grand-chose.
Nothing scream "personal safety" like "guy who used to be a cop, but now is driving an Uber for unspecified reasons"
The Kidnap Express is apparently trying to market to women in particular
"The accumulated filth of all their reboots and exploitation and lowest common denominator marketing and sequels will foam up about their waists and all the studio executives and talent-less hacks will look up and shout 'GARFIELD, SAVE US!'.. and I'll look down and whisper 'No.'”
On Facebook Matt Parker posted that there was a huge increase in PubMed papers using the phrase "delving into" since 2023, which he attributed to generative AI. I checked on Web of Science and found this: the phrase doubled in abstracts in 2023, and is on track to double again this year.
Hell yeah, dawg. More of this
Hey remember last week when the enthusiastic jeering was directed at cheeky little shits who call faculty members by their first names? Well get with the times, losers, because the Discourse’s magnetic field has flipped again.
Thinking about becoming a Lost Causer, but for Reconstruction. Flying an 1876 flag, slipping “40 acres & a mule” into casual conversation, saying “our people fought the good fight” about ten+ years of multiracial governing.
Getting pitched yet another wave of GPTified “Grading and Feedback” tools. Tempted to adopt them just to fully close the loop.
the order of operations has gone woke due to CRT and DEI
I must say that HTML articles generated by the arXiv look pretty cool
I'm exhausted with being a struggling writer, would like to switch to being the successful and beloved kind please
lol Academia is totally going to eat all its seed corn on why-not-eat-the-seed-corn grounds like “Oh come on I’m busy and it’s more efficient” or “No-one really reads stuff anyway”
lol Academia is totally going to eat all its seed corn on why-not-eat-the-seed-corn grounds like “Oh come on I’m busy and it’s more efficient” or “No-one really reads stuff anyway”
End of feed.