
the Adams administration lied and the media ran with it the NYPD now admits there was no “wife of a terrorist” at the Columbia protests after the Mayor used this as cover to assault student protesters last night
if you are going to post obvious propaganda from Mayor Eric Adams’ administration and then delete it hours after everyone called you out, you owe it to your audience as a supposed journalist to explain exactly what happened here
all the trash reporters are still on twitter because they can't handle being dunked on here
Also, since when is it illegal to be married to a person who did criminal things? I thought we didn't do guilt by association here. Even if this person were at the protests, how would that justify anything?
I don't even understand how you get from A to B there. Statistically someone there was related to a terrorist, someone was related to an astronaut, and someone was related to a congress person. Why does that mean cops get to beat people?
Journalists really need to start working for the people like they ought instead of being copaganda mouthpieces forever.
Journalists are working for the ownership of their outlet. Many times when they do this, they are following the wishes of management/ownership.
Yes, yes, and we all live in capitalism. Maybe they should consider having some journalistic integrity. The management is powerless if the rank and file don't comply. What was the owner going to do, jump on Twitter and post the copaganda themselves? I'd be shocked if they knew how.
Imagine committing to lies to justify authoritarianism and all you can come up with is “wife of a terrorist.” Like it’s some algorithm-produced novel on display at Barnes and Noble
It makes more sense when you realize this press release template is the one they use after a drone strike on a wedding
It has been zero (0) days since this meme was last deployed.
This seems to be standard playbook over the last few years of disinformation campaigns. The people who do these are getting slicker and smarter about riling their audience up, and then when the fact checking happens they ignore it or bury the correction so the audience never sees it.
NY reeeeeeeally needs to start removing the fascist rot within their leadership ranks. NY is so much better than this. it's SO much cooler and better.
Incredibly Adams-coded that his excuses are so obviously lies even to the people who actively want to agree with him
Did they not find weapons of mass destruction? Oh well, guess what's done is done and we need to continue the course.
welcome to the disinformation age. big social media and regular media are all controlled by rich right wingers. Lies are ok, because damage is done and media barely mentions corrections, because the truth has a liberal bias. And media has to both sides everything now.
But have you seen the outside agitator bike locks? They're Hamas.
I feel like we're at a point in human history where we have to just saturate every form of media with insane bullshit just to get people to not believe in ANYTHING they hear and just give up on the internet and news entirely. We need a few generations to just chill tf out.
The man in question also was not convicted of terrorism, but of donating to a group later flagged as affiliated with a terrorist group.
Fash Adams amongst the many that need ousted
I'm sure Ali will get around to retracting that story any time now.
Why retract when you can just delete the tweet and pretend it never happened 🙄
The words honor and integrity are not in her vocabulary. however, duplicitous and disreputable are, as they often used to describe her reporting.
Usually they keep it up for at least a day
feels like that's lose your job tier levels of wrong
Would be nice to know who the journalist's source was, how they checked it out before blasting it to the universe as "truth".