
In my first week of no work, so far I’ve applied to 10 jobs. That’s all I got. I hate it here.
Woof, I'm not sure I applied to 10 jobs in my first week of no work back in '21. You're doing great. Big hugs! Keep yer chin up!
Proud of you. This shit is hard. We keep trying, like fools!
I’m just having a down day. Lots of worries. I have a household to support (remember, Chris and I don’t live together so I have all the usual bills to cover.)
I hear you. Ooof. Down days happen, and like all your friends I’m wanting to help. ;) Hmm, bad joke time. Which would be better at putting on a fireworks show, a croc or a dinosaur? Since de croc is in de nial, the dino mite!
1st of all you are doing your best. ❤️ My ass-vice, if you don't hear about interviews soon, look in unusual places. City paper, next pgh and even posting on fb can help. My current job came from a former coworker. But mikes current job and my job at pair was from recommendation fb friends
I know this sounds crazy, but try to enjoy the time off. Sooner than you think, you'll have a new job, and it will be crazy hectic with the learning and the working. It's summer. Chill on the porch with your feet up.
I’m trying. I’m just feeling down today. Blah.
Yeah. It sucks. Too much esteem is based on our careers in this society.
Job hunting is soul-sucking and terrible. I’m really sorry 😞
Give yourself a break! You just started looking.
How are you doing today? Thinking of you ❤️
I’ve been up since 3:30 am so now I have a headache and my appointment isn’t till 11, and I should eat something but I’m not hungry but I’m probably gonna be stuck at the appointment til 1-2 pm and and and BLARGH. ( does that answer your question 🤷‍♀️)
This sounds about how I would be. BLARGH.