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Rabble rousing and rebel raising. She / her
Dear Lord I cannot handle the avalanche of unenjoyable discourse on here. My kingdom for a “mute replies” option 🫠
if you see this, you have to post a picture from your phone but don't explain it.
If you see this, etc etc
Me: I hope the new assistant principal at work is more supportive about discipline than the one who is leaving. Universe: You’re getting the AP who suspended your kid for a week for his first-ever rule violation (a very poorly chosen internet search)!
I’m gonna need a qualifying statement.
einstein sent this to curie in 1911 when she was being harassed by tabloids. it contains everything you’d want in such a letter: (1) your haters are trash (2) you’re a baller, a true queen (3) i have determined the statistical law of motion of the diatomic molecule in planck’s radiation field 🧪⚛️
For once, googling someone’s car sticker choices did NOT lead me to discover that they’re a creepy white supremacist 🙌
Being a girl who SWEATS has never been my favorite thing. Currently doing light work at PT and literally dripping sweat. Trying to believe everyone has seen worse and I don’t look like a total gross mess. 😭 (or that I do, but they don’t care)
There’s no video of me actually doing it, but I did this exact break at Taekwondo class tonight and I won’t lie, it felt pretty awesome.
As a person who doesn’t really discernibly get tan, it’s cracking me up that I have a noticeable stripe on my leg from having KT tape on whilst floating in a pool for the afternoon one day.
Cleaning out old magazines, and found this from 2016. Evergreen.
how about speed hating, where everyone shows up with a list of the 100 things they hate the most and you hook up with whoever you have the most matches with
When you look up a word in the dic•tio•nary, the dots in the middle of the word aren't there to mark out the syllables of the word; they mark where you can put a hyphen if the word doesn't fit on one line. Sometimes that corresponds with syllables, sometimes not. (See "dictionary" above!)
A well-known local drag queen shared receipts last week of homophobic and gross “Christian” anti-queer posts by the organizer of a big for-profit food truck festival, and trucks have been dropping out left and right the day before the event.
I had very interesting and vivid dreams this morning as I often do, and now I’m thinking about / wondering about three things. 1) Can anyone operate a cell phone in a dream? I can’t. I try but never can dial correctly. 2) Do your dreams have color? Mine definitely do. 3) …
Using the computer to make art: 1. Email an artist 2. Offer them a fair wage 3. Voila
I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
Writer's block is caused by a rival writer's attack.
My kid lost a tooth this morning, and I forgot that I told him to leave it on the kitchen counter for me to deal with later. There was a very brief but intense moment of horror just now as I tried to figure out wtf I was seeing on the counter 🫣
Me on a day I have to get up early but my husband doesn’t: gets dressed quietly, moves on with my life My husband on a day he has to get up early but I don’t: carries on a running monologue / conversation with me and actively pesters me for 30 minutes as he gets ready, and now I can’t sleep
TOP TEN ILLAS: 10. van 9. flot 8. gor 7. scint 6. chinch 5. tort 4. quesad 3. sarspar 2. sinsem 1. godz
Getting to the key phrases now!
happy pride to the gayest mineral: bismuth
Saw my first cyber truck in the wild, and OF COURSE it was as a branded company vehicle for the giant gun club that also advertises testosterone supplements. They couldn’t be more horribly, laughably on-brand if they tried.
While Radar and I were waiting in the car at the pet store, a guy walked up to get in the car next to us, saw Radar, and absolutely yelled with delight 🐕
If you see this, quote post with a famous landmark you’ve seen.
If you see this, quote post with a famous landmark you’ve seen.
I have neither heard nor seen a single cicada yet, but I saw my first fireflies of the season AND a bat on a twilight dog walk this evening, so I can’t complain too much. 🦇
I commented on a library fb post naming an author I’d like to meet, & a friend (not close) sent me a voice message like “I’m curious why you chose that author bc I tried reading one of her books & just didn’t like it, didn’t like the characters, I don’t get it.” And I feel like that was kinda rude?
I didn’t have “tearing up over the middle school choir singing Blackbird at graduation” on my 2024 bingo card, but here we are.