Max H.

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Max H.

Father. Partner. Consumer of information. Believer in Democracy and fighting the good fight. Democracy won. 2018. 2020. 2022.
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For those of you who will be seeing the sights in New York City this summer, I have revised my walking tour map of lower Manhattan for you. You’re welcome
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Colin Cowherd nails it ⬇️ Don’t forget to subscribe!
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50 billionaire families have already poured $600M+ into this year's elections — mostly in support of Trump. That's only 0.6% of their total wealth. It essentially costs them nothing to drown our democracy in dark money.
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I can’t believe that’s where we’re at now. We gave up on billionaires so now to seem progressive we’re gonna aim for… …checks notes… trillionaires.
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Ginni Thomas was directly involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Her consulting firm also stands to gain if Trump is re-elected. Yet Clarence Thomas refuses to recuse himself from the Colorado ballot case. This should be a scandal of epic proportions.
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The fact that the former president could barely win New Hampshire tonight speaks to the weakness of his candidacy. I have thoughts.
Trump's poor showing in New Read the results in the context of next November's general election
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Yes. As NYC Mayor, Giuliani arrested, prosecuted, & jailed hundreds of thousands of people of color for offenses of addiction, poverty, & homelessness that should never have been “crimes” to begin with. He literally destroyed Black & brown communities.
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Today’s front page of the The Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
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Trump indicted. Many of you are watching soccer and likely yelling GO USA. Meanwhile I’m yelling go Jack Smith and the rule of law — the REAL team USA. 🇺🇸
Finally. Charges that he'll actually be convicted on. The D.C. jury pool will not be friendly.
BREAKING: Former President Donald Trump has been indicted on charges related to special counsel Jack Smith's probe into efforts to overturn the 2020 election, sources with direct knowledge tell ABC News. Womp. Womp.
Trump indicted on charges related to efforts to overturn 2020 election: Former President Trump has been indicted on charges related to special counsel Jack Smith's probe into efforts to overturn the 2020 election, sources tell ABC News.
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looks like the X logo that was erected above X / Twitter HQ has been removed the SF Department of Buildings just uploaded nearly two dozens more complaints it received about it re: unsafe strobes, sandbags holding it up, lighting starting to "droop" off
X / Twitter won't let city building inspectors check out the giant X logo on the roof of their HQ inspectors have been denied access for the past two days upon visiting to inspect the structure
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second week in a row making The Information’s Creator Economy newsletter! always a pleasure chatting with - thanks for including 🫶🏼
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lmao oh my god this tremendous fool, this absolute dipshit
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I guess Elon didn't get the permits to change the Twitter sign to "X", the cops shut it down, and now it just says "Er" Which feels right somehow.
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"nazis deserve a platform"
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Help confront the epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous relatives (#MMIR) by telling your senators to vote for the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act Text Resist to 50409 #MMIW #MMIWG #MMIWG2S
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Reality Winner had 1 classified document no bail 4 years served
Trump had
27 documents in his office
6 Top Secret
18 Secret 3 Confidential 75 documents in a storage room
11 Top Secret
36 Secret
28 Confidential
Yet Trump is free to roam
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BlueSky Fam especially MedSky : The folks at BlueSky have graciously put together an antivax list that allows you to automatically mute antivaxers when they get added to the list. Here’s how you subscribe to the list: 1) Go here 👇🏻 to SkyWatch, lists tab
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And the hits keep coming. Google is now removing/restricting what searches are returned for Twitter. Not their best start to Q3.
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Twitter is completely broken now.
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My guess is that this is the first day of Q3 and Twitter literally has no cash flow to pay its cloud vendors so they have to cut usage substantially. It's about to go bankrupt and Linda will be thrown off the glass cliff.
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Stop worshipping billionaires. Elon Musk threw away tens of billions of dollars to buy Twitter, and has spent the last year running it into the ground. When billionaires take control of our most vital platforms for communication, it’s not a win for free speech. It’s a win for oligarchy.