
US Income Tax Revenue: $2.2 trillion US Imports: $3.8 trillion This would be a $1 trillion annual handout to the top 1%, paid for by massive inflation in consumer goods, something like 55%-60%. Breaking the economy to give the richest even more, that's the Republican way.
Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on Trump also talked about using tariffs to leverage negotiating power over bad actors, a source told CNBC.
It would be worse than that — if french wine goes up by say 60% in price, people are going to stop buying french wine, making imports go down. Meaning more money needs to be raised. Also, countries would retaliate, killing U.S. exports.
I had a similar thought, but about cars. There are relatively few cars that are made in the US - many are assembled here, but parts are imported. A tariff on all those parts will mean the cost of cars skyrockets. Which means fewer people will buy new cars.
And that's also not to say that people won't raise the prices of American made goods either — if you can sell raspberries at $8/pint if they're imported and there's no other choices, you probably can up the price of U.S. grown raspberries too.
As a stats guy, I’m mildly interested in watching an entire country learn what an endogenous response is. Collapsing the economy to do it I’m less jazzed about.
Brexit on steroids, if England had done Brexit to the entire world instead of just the EU.
Right? Especially because one millisecond after Trump would do a tariff, other countries would respond with their own
100%. Especially since so many companies have *already* demonstrated their pricing strategy to be "whatever we can get away with" when inflation took off post pandemic.
Maybe America would finally build mass transit.
Wouldn’t that be nice.
If you follow the cascading consequences of high tariffs, one major implication is there would be massive onshore production increases. Beyond hosing the simplistic government funding plan, that would also require lots more people making this stuff.
With low unemployment, we'd need some combination of much higher wages to draw people into the workforce and higher immigration... which, ha!
The rubes will hear the first part (no tax!) and tune out the second part (massive inflation).
Or they’ll blame Biden for the inflation. “We’re still undoing those terrible policies.”
I wish he would campaign on zero income taxes for hedge fund dickheads and billionaires in exchange for making everything everyone buy’s dramatically more expensive and killing a bunch of jobs in the process.
Trump proposes middle and lower class tax increases that will cause inflation at 50-60% per year. It’s the message that the Dems need to hammer along with abortion from now to November.
The MAGAts will say, the Dems are slandering trump, & will not believe a word! And when it hits them where it hurts, they will still blame the Dems for it. We simply can’t get through to them!
What are the odds of actually repealing the sixteenth amendment?
High because they will arrest any Democrat who opposes them.
It's amazing people are still doing legal/political analysis about "what will happen" as though there will still be rules that get followed.
Fred and Mary should have set up a Special Needs Trust and spared us from this idiot.
Just another floater in the toilet that is his mind.
Thank you for summing it up In Germany, we have EXACTLY the same:finance minister (we were warned against him by Nobel Prize economists) and oppo MAGA(CDU)leader : They'd rather penalise soc. benefits users and save 100 million EUR than use #MillionaireTax and get 25 BN EUR. Stupid&vile to no end.
if you want to bankrupt the USA then Trump’s your guy
Wait, I think you mean, "Breaking the economy to give the richest even more AND to blame inflation on Biden to get Trump elected and secure more exploitation." There. Fixed it for you.
If he wins, we're doomed....worse than before.
poor people think taxes are holding them back. Their logic loop is - one day being rich-er from not having to pay taxes. -can't fight the wealthy corporations they one day hope to be They see that scheme & think- no taxes is good. They don't see the collapse of infrastructure, schools,
Am I the only person who remembers we had a whole TRADE WAR WITH CHINA during his administration? I was reading a "no, things weren't great under Trump" articles and it didn't come up. I guess it got lost in the deluge of awful all those years.
Everyone knows Trump lies about everything sooo,,,, Do you really think he would eliminate his biggest source of income to loot if he gets in office?
I've seen other estimates of 115%-130% increase on consumer goods
but they'll own the Libs though...
And for that they are ready to sacrifice everything; they will gladly bear the burden of the consequences, as long as they can “own the libs”! (Whatever that means)
Dump doesn't know the first thing about economics, tariffs or tax policy. But he senses this would be good for oligarchs' taxes & net income so ... nevermind whether it would massively disrupt the economy, have unpredictable but clearly negative consequences and hurt most Americans, which it would.
while the economy goes down in flames under a Republican president for the third time in my adult life, it WOULD be sorta amusing to watch all the screeching about inflation magically disappear on 1/20/25
Paul estimate 133%
Trump has reportedly floated the idea of replacing income taxes with tariffs. I’ll have to write this up in detail, but my first-pass estimate is that this would require an *average* tariff rate of 133 percent.
He goes deeper in this 🧵
This was a bit cryptic, so a quick explanation 1/