Max Tide

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Max Tide

Checking the mess we're in, and do things - - mostly studying humans, change, climate, history, politics. Feeding myself w/ domestic/wild hybrid, off grid electricity, building things, getting connected and involved.
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Open to having my mind changed and I'll read the article.
The only rationale in the article is that it is an important place, the deep sea. But this is true of every place. The article also points to 'devices' as main mineral requirements... But energy storage!
The argument for deep sea mining that resonates with me is that it is likely to be less impactful than land mining or at least spreading out the harm to a very vast area. Even if we go closed loop, we will need a lot more minerals. (unless we can get voluntary massive decrease in technology...)
'Humans are rational' is a common misconception
Oh of course. I was being a dummy for a second. Thx :).
Dammit Richard! U have poked a hole in a cherished unexamined assumption(hope) of mine. I will now seek evidence that disconfirms your claim... Wait for it. As a subsistence dairy operator/cheese lover, my identity also hangs in the balance. However... I trust u somehow. And am considering goats.
This is what happens when u get Trumpian authoritarian ideologues. They cancel science, cancel prevention... it is very costly. And in the end, they could cost us everything if we don't stop them soon.
Doug Ford cut Ontario's flood management programs funding in half in his first provincial budget. Since then, he's accrued one of the most environmentally destructive records of any recent Ontario premier. Toronto gets more than a month’s worth of rain in a few hours amid rainfall warning
Toronto gets more than a month's worth of rain in a few hours amid rainfall Toronto and parts of the GTA are under a rainfall warning, with Environment Canada calling for "extremely heavy rain."
Reposted byAvatar Max Tide
The relentless organizers of are leading a bold experiment in sustained disruptive pressure against the world's biggest fossil fuel funder: Citibank. Please support & amplify this critical campaign! #ClimateSky 🔌💡 Big NYT coverage today. GIFT LINK:
In New York, Protesting the Backers of Big Oil With Die-Ins, Drums and Amid soaring temperatures, hundreds of activists are staging boisterous blockades and solemn marches at banks and insurers that support fossil fuel projects.
Thx! “This is urgent,” she said. “We can’t wait for other people to do this.”
Catch me up. If peaked then why rising? Non-'pollution' co2 sources?
Reposted byAvatar Max Tide
“Human bodies tend to use sleep time to lower temperatures and recover from a brutally hot day; if temperatures don’t drop enough, people sleeping without air conditioning — or, say, people in major cities that didn’t get their power back for a week after a storm — don’t get that chance”
I'll check it out sometime. Thanks for doing this.
My brother wasn't sure if 'don't look up' was about climate change. 'Ppl concluding things on their own' presupposes they aren't being bombarded by messages that encourage them to live a billionaire lifestyle, ignore civic responsibilities, mock thinking. You're give folks too much credit.
Its so refreshing to get help understanding the nuance of how concerned one should be and getting that updated to the latest understanding. We citizens need help calibrating our outrage. We need encouragement to let our anger lead us. The 'conservative' science comms strategy is frustrating.
(this use of the term 'conservative' is strange... To my mind a conservative approach should be equivalent to the precautionary principle... But I know people usually take it to be taking precautions not to upset the planetary-abusers.) Haven't finished, maybe you cover this.
Sure thang. I want it read too.
This book answers the most critical questions about climate change with clarity. It counters some tropes that some folks on our team share when they want to conceal their unwillingness to fight for our future. This is a book for people who want to win.
Today is pub day for *THE LANGUAGE OF CLIMATE POLITICS*! MIT philosopher Kieran Setiya says: "If you want to understand the climate crisis and you only have time to read one book, this should be it." Buy it here👇or wherever books are sold 💚
Reposted byAvatar Max Tide
Biden must win this election, or else we will be in the deepest shit you can possibly imagine. The GOP will dismantle NOAA, abandon the UNFCC, & double down on more coal, oil, & methane extraction. If they succeed it means no future. Starvation & chaos, full stop.
At the Republican National Convention, Climate Change Isn’t a As the event opens with a focus on energy, former President Trump and other leaders are calling for more oil, gas and coal development.
I refuse to accept that I have no free will. ... Or do I....
i simply refuse to accept that a hammer and a feather fall at the same speed in a vacuum
It's cooler cuz they share the profits with local bookstores. And don't have rocketeering CEOs.
(Hehe literally 'cooler' cuz of the rocket ghgs... Hehe 'literally' literal...)
I wonder how many people have died trying to decifer that.
I recently saw someone really take control of their mind using the dynamic neural retraining system. Consider reading the elephant and the rider. Or the master and the emissary. That part of you that awakes with doom is important but it's not all of you.
Got an audiobook option? Looks neat.
I'll take this into consideration. :) But... Sometimes a little more goes a loooong way. Like when you have a very insuffient project make a statement like: This project helps (x) and is necessary, but please also join the movement for radical society-wide change because only that is sufficient.
There a looot of folks out there presenting like it's sufficient and it really can undermine the what is actually sufficient. There are a looot of folks hungry for evidence that things will be okay without having to change anything substantial. And the NBNS stuff can do that for them.
Reposted byAvatar Max Tide
This. Also, get involved in the climate movement somehow, using your unique talents and passions. And don’t strive for perfection in any of it. Just help push things in a better direction. Human systems, after all, are made up of individuals.
None of this stuff really matters for climate change. The big items for us as individuals are: - how much & how clean we drive & travel - how much & how clean we heat & cool our homes (and we should heat and cool as much as we need to be safe) - the carbon intensity of what we eat - do we vote
I'm surprised by how many people don't think about this... Most people think their responsibility/power ends at their consumption.