
This is a crucial point re the famous "A COMPUTER CAN NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE THEREFORE A COMPUTER MUST NEVER MAKE A MANAGEMENT DECISION" quote from a 1970s IBM presentation. We are about to see companies try to hide behind AI "decisions" at an unprecedented scale and we cannot allow them to do it
A good quote, tho I dislike the framing a bit. For me it's less that it MUST not make a management decision, and more that a computer DOES NOT make it. If you outsource such a decision to the computer, *that is a management decision*. It is still *your* decision, and *you are accountable for it*.
About to happen in the finance/securities space. "Oh WE didn't make that investment recommendation/stock pick/misleading representation. The AI did it. Sorry!"
Who does the SEC sue when someone types in "Does Michael Jordan recommend I buy 10,000 shares of XYZ?" and it spits out "As a long time investor in XYZ, Michael Jordan recommends you purchase that stock."
Whoever named that system "Where's Daddy" should be dragged behind the nearest barn and put down like a rabid dog.
Management is rarely held accountable for their decisions as it is. Unlinking the responsibility by passing it through an algorithm is not going to help.
If you choose not to decide, etc.
Hiding behind the mechanical turk is the entire purpose of the mechanical turk