
that “you’d succeed if you just cared and tried harder” line has done a whole lot of damage to ADHD people, I tell you what
Sometimes i wake up at 3 am in a cold sweat imagining someone saying, "if you actually cared you would have made it a priority" And then I panic set 17 more alarms for everything
especially if you don’t get diagnosed until you’re 41
I can’t remember which book it was in but the author had a patient who wasn’t dx’ed until age 88. She spent the next couple years of therapy learning to forgive herself for a lifetime of self-loathing and perceived failures. I think about her a lot
My father is in his late 70s and never got diagnosed. I’m debating breaking the news to him
neither of my parents was ever diagnosed but when my mom heard my diagnostic criteria she was like “…well I know where you get THAT from.” At nearly 70. She just masked/developed coping tools like WHOA. And my dad reads EXTREMELY like AuDHD. Including my dyspraxia.