Lorraine McCown

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Lorraine McCown


Engineer➡️Stay @ home Mom➡️HS physics teacher➡️And now...
Writing picture books for ages 0 to 110!
#KidLit #PB #StoryStorm #PBParty #PBPitch #PictureBooks
He stands guard for her At watch over open mouths Waiting for crickets #HaikuSaturday #Haiku
A question for my #kidlitart friends who have dabbled in charcoal. My youngest daughter is artsy and we are now facing some hand sized charcoal dust spots on her carpet. Vacuuming has done little and we are worried that anything wet would simply spread it around. Suggestions?
Relatives are here All on top of each other A big pile of love. So many stories Some old, some new, all funny This is contentment. #HaikuSaturday #KidLit
You know it's going to be an interesting day when your Swiffer mop unexpectedly shifts positions in the laundry room, just so that the spray button is firmly engaged! It's always an adventure.
Omgosh. Reusable boosters that land after an eight minute job to launch a weather satellite! For me this never gets old. #iteachphysics
Wind gone from your sails? Strong drafts on the horizon Always follow calm. #HaikuSaturday #Haiku #KidLit
A squirrel just found the toy I left for him on our deck. Unfortunately it was the container that housed a new plant that I set out there to get a bit of sunshine. Instead it got a bit of decapitation. Now he’s sifting the dirt just in case I left more goodies. Oh well.
@techysaavy.bsky.social sorry but I’m going to have to unfollow. Your requests are so frequent that they are clobbering me feed. We can still communicate if you reach out though.
@curiousrob.bsky.social noticed your bio. Yesterday, hubster and I watched them fell a neighbor’s massive dead oak. The guide ropes, the heavy ropes, the angles, the ground holders… and the fearless one in the tree - what an art/what a rush.
The Brooklyn Public Library has announced that any teenager in America is now eligible for a Brooklyn Public Library card. Teens can sign out ebooks + audiobooks from wherever they live. The move is designed to combat censorship, with some titles listed as "always available." 📚
@techysaavy.bsky.social Good morning Rosina. What is your favorite tech infusion and in what subject/lesson do you apply it?
What a great idea!
📣GREAT NEWS! We know it's hard to decide which agent to query, so we're excited to introduce ABLA'S SECOND CHANCE INBOX. Every ABLA agent has access to the Second Chance Inbox, and we'll go through it regularly to discover new material! New submission guidelines: www.andreabrownlit.com/submissions
Hey out there in #birds land… Just cleaned a surprising amount of sticky rubber off my old Bushnell 8x30 binoculars (with alcohol). Is this degradation common across the line? They came to this state after being well taken care of/unused in case. Now what? Do I seal them w something? #birders
An amazing thing I didn’t know!
Every time you borrow a book from a UK or Irish library, the book contributor/s, e.g. illustrator, author, translator, get a small amount of money if they are registered for Public Lending Right
My how we’ve grown in the last couple of days! Let’s have some fun. Here is my unedited cigar box of things I must have thought were special growing up. I tossed what I think were pieces of a butterfly and added the quarter for reference. What would we find among your special things? #kidlit
Hi #kidlit friends. I’m Clyde and these are my lil chicks. Happy Father’s Day to me!
True Story: His hand raised quickly And then shyly retracted I smiled and waited Eyes locked, trust regained He spoke his answer so well He smiled and waited Peers smiled, leaning in To delight in his moment We’d all been waiting. #HaikuSaturday #kidlit
Per @brianlarossa.com I’m reintroducing myself to support the #KidLit Mega Feed launch. (bsky.app/profile/did:...) Hi, I’m Lorraine and I am a wife/mom/Grammy who retired from teaching HS physics to write picture books. My love language is sharing cool science, and I enjoy both wild and pet birds.
@aileenstewart.bsky.social Good morning Aileen! What are your favorite things to bake and photograph?
I just love this #kidlit family home! Welcome to all of the new folks hopping over.
I found a ‘potato stamp’ in what remains of card punchouts from a child’s memory game. Now I just have to decide on which idea of how to use them - maybe incorporate them in an acrylic pour... @amedyckman.bsky.social
Today I helped my 3 yo granddaughter make “confeddium”. This involved a ‘make it up as you go’ set of ingredients and special tools (whisk, potato masher, etc.). After we completed a giggle filled taste test, she proclaimed: “This will just be for Daddy tonight”. I hear he raved about it.
Hi @lightonthesea.bsky.social ! This is such a friendly #kidlit platform and I’m SO glad you’ve hopped over. I’m still toggling but find myself less likely to double post as the author and illustrator communities continue to grow. Congratulations on your book release and work with the kids!
Illustrator friends, I’m here to share that Society of Illustrators is accepting submissions for the 2024 Original Art Show. I’m the Chair this year, which means I selected the jurors for this year’s exhibit. I’ll add more info below.
Second clutch of blue birds are hatching and the suet is going fast. #birds
I was not expecting a clutch (didn’t change light timer etc.), but here’s an hours old, white bellied caique, with its yet to hatch sibling. The egg is 7/8” along longest axis. You can see crop bulge on right of neck (bird’s left), and birds featherless right wing ‘elbow’. #birds
A great find by one of my granddaughters - little green spider on a browning gardenia.
Hubster and I have been busy purging 42 years of ‘stuff’ and I have found some real pearls. My children’s early writings are truly precious. Their school awards, not so much, and now let go. Saving the thoughts of your littles is a blessing for all.
The boxed memories Sit waiting for me to sift. Maybe tomorrow. Instead, watched blue jays Dive bomb the red shouldered hawks. Box and hawks, still knocks. #HaikuSaturday