Matt Bell

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Matt Bell

Writer, teacher. Out now: APPLESEED, a novel (2021, @marinerbooks). REFUSE TO BE DONE, a guide to novel revision (2022, @soho_press). He/him.
Book #57 of 2024: LETTERS TO A YOUNG POET by Rainer Maria Rilke. The right book on the right day. “We have no reason to distrust our world, for it is not against us. If our world has fears, they are our fears. If it has an abyss, it belongs to us. If dangers appear, we must try to love them.”
I love this!! Thank you for it.
Rilke: “When there is no community among people, draw close to the things that present themselves around you; they will not abandon you. The nights are there, and the winds that blow through trees and over the lands.”
“Almost everything that matters is hard, and EVERYTHING matters.” —Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
I “love” that Rilke also had to contend with people asking for free books: “Finally, with regard to my books, I wish I could send you all of them for your enjoyment. But I am very poor and don’t own my own books once they’re published. I can’t even buy them myself….”
He writes: “I’m writing on a slip of paper the titles and publishers of my most recent books (at last count there are twelve or thirteen) and I must leave it up to you, dear sir, to order them…” Could it work???
My new late email reply apology/salutation, from Rilke: “Forgive me, dear sir, that I only today remember your letter of February 24. I have been unwell this entire time, not exactly sick but oppressed by a flu-like lassitude that rendered me incapable of doing anything…”
Also a solid reply, from the same: “You must know, of course, that any letter from you will delight me, and be aware that my response might leave you feeling empty-handed…”
Reposted byAvatar Matt Bell
as someone born in 1985 it feels insane to be living in the 1970s
Spent some part of the last two days immersed in wandering novel research, just being a weird little guy spinning up a new obsession or two. Pretty solid use of my summer afternoons.
Family! Headed to my parents’ house for a couple of weeks.
A beautiful last run in the desert before I head to Michigan!
Today is the third anniversary of APPLESEED’s pub date! (And it just happens to be on sale for $3.99 on Kindle and perhaps other platforms—but it’s a pretty paperback too!) Thanks to everyone who read and shared this book. In many ways, it changed my life, and I’m so grateful.
My week at has ended! Thanks to my amazing students for one of the best workshops I've ever taught. I read 100,000+ words of their new writing in five days and it would've been impossible if the stories weren't so good. I'm so grateful to have been a part of this.
Last morning in San Diego! Went for a 10-mile run, including four on the beach. I’m ready to be back in the desert but I’m going to miss the ocean too.
Another beautiful run along the cliffs over the Pacific! I’m going to miss this nature reserve when I leave.
It is sure is! Was so good to see him there!
The view from the podium at last night’s reading at Mysterious Galaxy Books! It was such a lovely evening, and a true pleasure to get to read to my fantastic students and the other folks who joined us. Thank you, friends!
A beautiful foggy run down to the ocean to start the day!
My favorite UP brewery and their flagship beer!
Started my run on UCSD’s campus without a plan on where to go, ended up at an oceanside nature preserve. It’s truly magical to have the legs to make this sort of exploration happen whenever I travel.
SPEAR has also been in my BRAIN this year. Thank you.
I've been reading this book off and on all year and it's been one of the great pleasures of my 2024. (Sometimes you read a book fast, sometimes you read it slow, the pace has no bearing on how much enjoyment you derive from it. I'm always thinking about this one.)
👀 📢 SALE! This time Hild, for $1.99 on all US and Canadian platforms. I've no idea when it started and no idea how long it will last. #medievalsky More about the book here:
Took a Lyft ride in a Tesla. Driver told me she's selling it because riders keep telling her EVs are an elite conspiracy to trap people in the city when the blackouts come. I walked her through the energy grid, solar panels and battery backups, and, you know, reality. Solved it!