Megan Bidmead

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Megan Bidmead

mum of 2 💕
nonsense person
This is the life. Nice hotel room. Good view. New prime minister. Can’t complain too much I guess
Shout out to the guy singing ‘who the fuck is Alice’ at the top of his lungs on the (packed) tube just now, that certainly livened things up a bit
Son has asked me approximately 80 times ‘when are we in London’
London bound to see the sights. Wonder if we’ll spot Rishi handing in his notice
My plan for today: Sports day (son) Vote Work for 3 hours Sports day (daughter) Pick up Prepare for weekend away Have an early night, resist urge to check phone multiple times in the night for election results
What a fucking week it’s been. If we could round it off by voting the Tories out it would cheer me up immensely
Rest in peace Agnes. You were a cute little thing 😢
Booked Agnes in to see the vet at 5.15 but I worry that she won’t make it that long. 😢 I keep going over to stroke her but she’s not moving very much now. I hate this part of pet ownership. She’s such a lovely little guinea pig
Welcome to the last day before the election, a 24-hour period in which everyone becomes gradually more desperate and unhinged
Heavily into Paramore recently. Why now? I can’t tell you. But I can tell you after watching several live shows on YouTube that I am starting to love Hayley Williams with a fiery passion, and I want to protect her at all costs
He’s going to ring while I’m on the school run, isn’t he
Staring at my phone all day like it might explode
Staring at my phone all day like it might explode
Scary phone call coming up today and am dreading it with every fibre of my being
You know the nerves are bad when you take all the books off the shelf and reorganise them, despite knowing you’ll be packing them all up soon anyway 😬
In more positive news we’re going to London on Friday. Kids first time going. If anyone has any recommendations for things a 7 and 10 year old would enjoy, let me know ❤️
Scary phone call coming up today and am dreading it with every fibre of my being
Watching Would I Lie To You clips in the kitchen, chuckling to myself Chris: (sighing) I wish I made you laugh as consistently as Bob Mortimer does
Ah shit, one of the guinea pigs might be on the way out 😔 they’re old now, so not surprising. But argh
Working from sofa due to exhaustion. Attempting to convince myself that I feel optimistic. Ignoring pain. Two thirds of a pizza eaten. Just your typical Monday really
If you see this post a photo without explanation
If you see this post a photo without explanation
I would like to remind you that you can buy vibrators in Poundland. There is no need for these kinds of abominations
it is with mixed emotions that i tell you the worst post ever made on r/DIY is still, somehow, up
This is me right now
advice from someone who is packing up their home: do not buy one more thing. stop buying shit. acquire nothing else. save yourself.
Delay in posting newsletter again, I’m so sorry. Bit behind and all sorts going on outside of work. I’ll be back asap 😢
Less than a week to go until the election. Starting to feel a bit nervous. Every time I’ve been sure of the outcome, I’ve been wrong
There are many things I love about my mum, but one of them is that she still refers to ‘Emmerdale Farm’ despite the name changing to ‘Emmerdale’ 35 years ago
House move on the horizon, but it’s risky financially. Want to keep freelancing as it’s better for my health stuff, but it’s hard at the moment. On Monday I’ll be making phone calls and also pitching and trying to find more long term work. Please send your good luck vibes my way ❤️
Reposted byAvatar Megan Bidmead
I found your shelf babe
Spent the morning reading. Am quite dazed
The Victoria’s Secret website UI is *killing meeeee*. Where do I go for nice bras in the UK that don’t require you to jump through impossible hoops to buy anything. Bring back La Senza! And the Argos website can get in the bin as well