
before you decide you don't want to vaccinate your children you should have to take a 4 hour cemetery tour with me where i point out every tiny little headstone of a child that died from a preventable disease and is buried with their parents who would have done anything to save them
It's not just vaccines! People rejecting the freaking Vitamin K shot!!! (Screams endlessly)
i hate my baby and their stupid blood !!
"What did infants do before the Vitamin K shot?!?!?" ...they died, Brenda. They died. "Then how are people still--" MY GOOD BITCH DO YOU THINK EVOLUTION WILL SELECT OUT A TRAIT THAT KILLS 1.5% OF INFANTS IT WON'T EVOLUTION IS FINE WITH 2 MILLION PREVENTABLE BABY DEATHS PER YEAR ARE YOU???
Like, babies died! A lot! Because evolution and nature only care about enough surviving to reproductive age to continue the species! And now we have medical science that prevents so many of those deaths and they refuse it! Makes me so fucking angry.
Well, Survival Of The Fittest and all... mewl the ignorant gits that were most likely vaccinated by THEIR parents.
My vaccinated stepdaughter has a family of four unvaccinated children 🙄
it fucking does my head in whenever my kids docs bring up the wellness shots they do it like scared hit dogs 'so uh can we uh its time for um' 'shots? GIVE THEM ALL THE SHOTS GIVE IT ALL PUNCTURE THESE MFS' 'oh okay yes, haha great we'll get the nurse' *relief cascading off them like steam*
Doc I want so many pinholes I want those kids to look like fountains when they drink water
I had the SAME thought at my first prenatal appt. "right after birth they'll get a vit K shot and.." *nervous look* The number of numpties they've encountered must haunt them. Meanwhile I'm asking about all the vaxes I can get pre-delivery that'll convey some immunity for the first few months
When I interviewed my ped she started a gentle talk about egg in vaccines and I was like "is this a speech for non vaxxers?? Because I am doing all the vaxxing" and she was SOO relieved.
Right? Like can we give me the whooping cough shot once a month or so until they're old enough to get their own? Just to be really sure? What about that experimental RSV vax, how do I get in on those tests?
I’m not sure whether this is tongue in cheek or not, but to be earnest, the vaccine schedule is subject to the same kind of rigorous testing and review as the vaccines themselves.
"I'm gonna have this baby absolutely alone in my house with no experienced help whatsoever despite that not being a thing human have ever done at any point in history." Big fan of that one.
They're doing it VBAC now, because "our bodies know what to do" Then why did you need the C-section last time!?! Your body tried to kill you and your baby once why are you loading the gun for it?!?
"our bodies know what to do" until it doesn't. But their ~experience~! Who cares if their baby dies, so long as they get the ~experience~ they wanted!
They just need to admit to their needle phobia.
OMG. Anti-vaxxism is dumb as rocks in general, but the anti-Vit-K shot people are the dumbest of the dumb. It's a fucking vitamin -- it doesn't even involve any of their stupid "too much too soon" views about immunity.