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I'm a guy. Pronouns are pretty straightforward.
If you feel the need to be creative with it, go for it.

Manufactured in 1986, Best until 2030.
"Welcome to Arby's in Ankh Morpork. May I take your order?"
Maintenance matters.
How is it that you can be driving on a completely empty highway - aside from the truck(s) in front of you - and yet when you go to overtake said trucks, suddenly a whole row of cars materializes behind you, and they're all going faster than the speed limit? How does that happen every. Damn. Time.
I'm gonna say something very controversial: I think FromSoft has lost the thread on what makes a game good. Because I think the popularity of Elden Ring (and their Souls games, obviously) has somehow caused the execs to think "git gud" means the same as "game good".
I'm happy to see new people here, but with the influx of Indonesian users my Discover feed has become practically unusable...
All I wanted was to go to bed early. But here I am with adrenaline still keeping me up three hours later because fuck me I guess. All I have to do is wake up in about five hours. All I have to do is work a full day. Sure, throw a fucking tantrum. Maybe I'll finally have a breakdown tomorrow.
One thing I'd love to see in #Balatro is a sandbox/cheat run mode. One where you can decide which joker you're adding to your run. It'll still work mostly the same. The jokers would cost money, and you only get offered two (per reroll), but you can just choose from a list which one you get to buy.
Do not fuck with Granny Weatherwax.
Have you ever seen a woman look more pleased with herself? She released many hives worth of bees onto deputies trying to serve an eviction notice.
Drop a time travel device that's not from "Doctor Who" or "Back to the Future" Just need a solar flare and exact timing!
Reposted byAvatar Melfice
Disneyland is what they call swifts in Scotland.
So... definitely not to take away from important women's healthcare, but men? Go and feel up your chest to check for lumps as well. Breast cancer is rare, but absolutely a thing that can occur in men too.
Adding into this, if your family has a history of breast cancer ask your Dr if you should start at 35 or even 30. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a month before her 40th birthday but it was caught early so she's nearly 25 years in remission.
- Check - Hmm... can be. - No problem there! - I love giving little gifts! - Ah... I'm not a corvid, no. Sorry.
how to win my affection: - be silly - be social and chatty - say nice things about me to your friends - bring me little gifts - have beautiful, glossy black feathers
Mocht er een referendum komen over het uittreden van Nederland uit de EU, kunnen we dan kijken of Twente niet bij Duitsland in kan treden? #TwenteInNedersachsen
Looks like the titty spammers found their way to Bluesky now. Two in a single day!
"People were mean to us because we're indiscriminately bombing Gaza. So now we'll try to guilt you in supporting genocide by reminding you we were victims of a genocide."
Am I the only person who needs to have the lyrics to Motorcycle Emptiness up to understand what's being sung? Because it's just non-words if I don't have the lyrics.
So... that was the second car fire this year in my neighborhood. Good times.
First post. Call me Mister Blue Skies! Haha! I bet nobody made that joke before on here!
End of feed.