merely rachel

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merely rachel

Lover of board games. Dabbler in photography, video games, and D&D. Clarinet.
North East US

Boardgame starter pack:
That sucks. I hope the puppers bring you some comfort
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BG Stats v5 is here! This update brings more data, game filtering, list sorting and view customization. You can find more info, and links to how this all works, on our site: This is a free upgrade for all users! #bgstats #boardgames #brettspiele #j2s
I haven’t had to work out my learning and teaching muscles since hubby’s so good at it (and he’s usually around). If I need to teach it definitely needs to be one I’ve played before.
I’m a sucker for pick-up-and-deliver. We picked up Sail at PAXEast because we forgot to pack a small 2p game for ourselves. Fortunately hubby is great at learning games from rulebooks.
I’ve been loving Sail lately and absolutely need to try Bus & Stop!
Wow, I learned a lot from Sin Knighteye today. My advice wouldn’t have gone past “I paired my XBox controller to my Steamdeck and it works” Have fun, Tony!
I remember picking up the newly released 5e at my first GenCon! There were plenty of copies that year, though
One of my favorite summer activities… playing the Crew on the porch with the fam #boardgames
As long as hubby and I are fairly well matched for plays I’ll be happy.
And with this photo I realize I’ve never seen Targi, only the box cover It’s been on my list of games to try out at a con though
Our band played in an amazing performance hall last night, it was a fantastic experience!
❤️🎶 Today was an amazing day because it was the first time the whole family played together in the same concert (and the weather was beautiful!)
Legendary: Marvel #boardgame Loki helping with set up…
It’s hard to tell from the back, but this is Spencer’s brother, Loki! They are both very good at boardgames
Last night found us playing another mission in our family Dice Throne Adventure #boardgame
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10 years ago BG Stats was released! Back then we couldn't have imagined how this would change our lives! From the bottom of our hearts a big Thank You to everyone! We are not planning on stopping anytime soon, something big is right around the corner! 💚 Eerko & Suzan #bgstats #boardgames
Exciting! I’ve never seen it but it’s on my list of movies to track down and watch.
Dice Throne Adventures #boardgame family campaign 3, scenario 2 boss battle. Got crushed once then did the crushing.
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Part III: Here's an attempt to filter the list of all Gen Con releases to all the women and non-binary designers. I probably missed some, let us know. Give these games a thumbs up, & help signal boost these designers!! (And check out Undergrove -- please and thank you ❤️🍄)
Gen Con 2024 Gen Con is the largest and longest-running game convention in the U.S., and this preview highlights new games being demoed or sold.
Good decision to listen because that outfit absolutely works on you
Got up to some gaming with hubby and Kid2 tonight. We started off with a very close game of Railroad Ink. We were then defeated by Uru-Enchanted Iron Man commander with his War of the Frost Giants scheme in Legendary Marvel #boardgames
It was! Lots more expansions to try too
Everyone in the family is doing their own thing tonight so I was inspired to pull out Railroad Ink #boardgame and try some of the expansions. It’s nice to focus more on the puzzle than the score for a relaxing solo evening.
Which boardgame would you play? 🚂 Railroad Ink Vs . 🏡 Welcome to... Vs. 🗺️ Cartographers #ShelfWar
Hooray for excitement about fun stuff! The Marvel minis are fantastic so I'm sure the DC stuff will be too
I’ve played with the extra red dice and it was fun. I actually have a bunch more still to explore. Maybe I’ll suggest this to the family next!
What an impossible choice! I guess today I would go with dice and Railroad Ink
On a whim we decided to start up our third family campaign of Dice Throne Adventures #boardgame. Should keep us busy this summer with a relaxing way to hang out together.
I’ll be honest, I expected the alt text to also be “lake”